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Title 空氣中異味物質之連續監測技術之開發
Abstract 本計畫之執行目的在建立適合偵測環境中胺類污染物的偵測方法,並開發相關的自動採樣設備。胺類目標化合物包含甲胺、乙胺、二甲胺、異丙胺、正丙胺、二乙胺以及三甲胺等 7 種化合物。目標污染物以去離子水為介質使用衝擊瓶在現場進行採樣,並在實驗室以離子層析儀進行分析。經測試發現目標化合物中有些物種的離子層析滯留時間很接近,會出現分析干擾的現象。 改變管柱操作溫度可以使各物種層析波峰的位置改變,藉以將重疊的波峰分離。測試結果發現使用 35.0°C 和 17.5°C 兩種管柱操作溫度搭配使用,可以順利將 7 種目標化合物進行分析。 胺類物種在離子層析中的檢量線為二次多項次曲線,其檢定係數 (R2) 應高於 0.99。7 種目標化合物已順利建立檢量線,檢定係數皆大於 0.997。以採樣流量 1,000 mL/min,採樣時間 30 min ,整體採樣體積 30 L 計算,推估目標化合物空氣中濃度偵測極限。其中甲胺偵測極限為 0.1 ~ 0.5 ppb 之間。 各目標污染物精密度與準確度測試結果,精密度為 0.5 ~ 1.5% 之間。 甲胺、乙胺、二甲胺、異丙胺及正丙胺等化合物的準確度測試結果在 98 ~ 105% 之間,二乙胺和三甲胺的準確度在 88 ~ 93 % 之間。 目標污染物保存期限測試結果顯示在冷藏環境保存 14 天,樣品的回收率仍可保持在 92% 以上。 使用鐵氟龍瓶採樣,高濃度氣體捕集吸收效率在 72.7 ~ 101.7% 之間,低濃度氣體則為 93.2 ~ 103.4% 之間。 自動採樣器完成組裝及並且進行多項操作參數測試,目標胺類物種的吸收效率介於 80.9 ~ 97.2% 之間。 完成 7 場次現場實際採樣測試,其中 4 場次有使用自動採樣器進行進行比對採樣。有三個場次可以成功採得胺類污染物並且分析其成分與濃度,測得物種包括甲胺、乙胺、二甲胺、異丙胺、正丙胺和三甲胺。測得最高三甲胺濃度達 178 ppb。 於103/07/04 及 103/11/07 兩天,分別完成第一場及第二場次技術擴散講習會議。 並已完成環境中胺類化合物標準作業程序書草案之撰寫。
EngTitle Development of Continuous Monitoring Technology for Odorous Compounds in Ambient Air
EngAbstract The major objective of this project was to develop the sampling and analysis technology of ambient volatile amine pollutants. The development of an auto-sampler for amine pollutants was also an important task. Seven chemicals, including methylamine (MA), ethylamine (EA), dimethylamine (DMA), isopropylamine (IPA), propoylamine (PA), diethylamine (DEA) and trimethylamine (TMA), were selected as the target compounds for testing the analysis method. The amines were collected in deionized water by impinger sampler in field and analyzed by ion chromatography in laboratory. For some of the peak shapes were overlapped in chromatogram for the close retention time, we modified the column operation temperature to change the retention time. As the test result shown, two column operation temperature must be applied to analyze all the 7 target compounds completely. The selected temperatures were 35.0°C and 17.5°C. The calibration curves of amine compounds in ion chromatography with suppressor column were quadratic equations. The coefficient of determination (COD, or R-square, R2) should be higher than 0.99. The R2 values of calibration curves for all the 7 compounds ware higher than 0.997 in our study. Supposing that the air sampling flow was in the rate of 1,000 mL/min and duration was in the time of 30 min, the calculated method detection limit for amines were in the range of 0.1 to 0.5 ppb. The analysis precisions for all the seven compounds were in the range of 0.5 ~ 1.5%. The analysis accuracies of MA, EA, DMA, IPA and PA were in the range of 98~105%, DEA and TMA were in the range of 88 ~ 93%. As for preservation tests, the recoveries of all the seven compounds were better than 92% after storing at 4°C for 14 days. The amine sampling capture efficiencies for DIW in Teflon impinger were 72.7 ~ 101.7%. We had also tested the capture efficiencies of lower concentration air sample, which were in the range of 93.2 ~ 103.4%. An auto-sampler fabricated for ambient amine sampling based on impinger application was achieved and operation parameters were tested. The capture efficiencies for auto-sampler were in the range of 80.9 to 97.2%. Seven field tests of impinger sampling performance were proceeded and four of them had also run the auto-sampler performance testing. Amines were founded in three of the field air ambient. The amines founded in field including MA, EA, DMA, IPA, PA and TMA. The highest concentration of amine pollutants was the TMA in the concentration of 178 ppb. Two technical communication seminar had been taken place on July 2014 and November 2014 individual. The study results were reported in the technical draft for EPA reference.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院