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Title 103年環境節日推廣及活動專案工作計畫
Abstract 環境節日為與環境保護有關的綠色紀念日,本案就地球日、世界環境日等,進行重點宣傳,旨在引領民眾瞭解上述環境節日的由來和推動歷程,讓民眾對環境節日的基本脈絡以及背景事件能有所認識,並進一步接觸與該紀念日有所呼應的環境議題。 今(103)年環保署於環境教育設施場所舉辦環境節日主題活動,期望透過民眾親身實際參與,傳達環境節日及環教育理念。環保署更將每年4月至6月訂為「地球環境季」,9月至11月則訂為「金秋環境季」,並製作「金秋環境季活動宣傳小冊」,於對應期間供民眾查詢,以達到宣傳目的。
EngTitle 2014 Environmental Festival Promotion and Event Project
EngAbstract The Environmental Education Act was launched in 2011; the EPA had arranged environmental education facilities in various areas in Taiwan and held events at those locations, to advance citizens’ understanding of the interdependent relationship between individuals, society, and the environment. To enhance the Environmental Education Act and to raise the nation’s environmental ethics and responsibility, the EPA had set Environment Earth Day Season and Golden Autumn Environmental Season as annual event; Environmental Earth Day Season is between April to June and Golden Autumn Environmental Season is between September to November, the EPA will give-out handbooks to the public to promote environmental protection.In 2014, the EPA (Environmental Protection Administration) arranged several environmental events in April, June and September, at different environmental education facilities around Taiwan; hoping the public would gain more knowledge related to environmental protection through participating in those events.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司