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Title 103年度嘉義市推動室內空氣品質維護管理宣導計畫
Abstract 本計畫為提升轄區內室內空氣品質及建立完善維護管理制度,針對執行內容擬訂相關執行方向。首先「研擬嘉義市室內空氣品質管制策略」,針對各工作項目之目標管理,設定短、中、長期分年工作規劃目標並據以執行,其策略架構內容包含「公告場所基本資料庫建立」、「公告場所室內空氣品質調查」、「列管場所輔導改善及追蹤輔導機制建立」、「列管場所管理策略計劃」等,配合國內技術資料、環保署政策方向及各局處資源以共同推動室內空氣品質政策。另為有效掌握本轄各場所類別資料,針對本轄100處公私場所進行巡查檢驗,透過現場直讀儀器量測,進而了解各類別場所室內空氣品質概況,並給予相關維護管理建議及後續輔導作為之研擬。此外,亦針對轄內公告場所及巡查檢驗測值偏高場所實施公告檢測方法,共計16處,提供場所瞭解其室內空氣品質現況,並藉由輔導作為給予場所維護管理及改善之建議。本計畫除了進行相關室內空品調查及資料庫建立外,亦針對本轄各類別場所進行現場維護管理輔導30處場所,提供改善建議;辦理宣導說明會5場次,邀集各類場所參與;協助轄內100處場所建立維護管理制度;以及設計相關網頁、摺頁、海報及塗鴉,宣導室內空氣品質維護管理之重要性及供民眾瞭解法令推動概況。為有效整合本轄相關資源,透過分工協調會議進行跨局處合作機制及宣導等作為,有效提升本市室內空氣品質管制成效,並建立優良室內空氣品質之都。
EngAbstract In order to enhance the effectiveness of Chiayi City's indoor air quality policy, we have formulate indoor air quality control guidelines. For each work item set short-term goals, medium-term goals , long-term goals, let it can efforts to achieve targets. Policy content include: establish database , investigations of indoor air quality, improvement and tracking its IAQ, develop management strategic .Use domestic technical information, EPA policy and its bureaus resources to promote the policy of indoor air quality.In order to understand the various spaces information, investigation for 100 places, to understand the Indoor Air Quality Overview, and give advice and guidance to improve IAQ. For the announcement places and the place found that high results, total of testing operations of 16, provide understanding of indoor air quality status, and provide recommendations for improvement. Another execution inclue: 30 give adviset of indoor air quality, apply for the five guidance meeting, counseling 100 places to written maintenance and management plan, And design web pages, manuals, posters and drawing paper, popularize the importance of indoor air quality and provide the people understand the policy. Coordination meetings take advantage of the division of labor in cooperation inter-bureau, effectively improve indoor air quality of Chiayi City, develop an excellent indoor air quality of the city.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 柏新科技股份有限公司