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Title 土壤底泥中農藥、多環芳香烴、酚類、塑化劑、有機錫調查計畫(2/2)
Abstract 殺蟲劑、酚類(尤其是氯酚)、塑化劑、有機錫等之廣泛施用,可經由雨水沖刷或空氣沈降至河川、地下水及土壤等環境中。多環芳香烴亦能經由交通污染或燃燒源透過空氣散佈至他處,沉積於底泥或土壤。上述化合物在處於底泥或土壤的厭氧環境中,可能導致其於環境之持久性,因而底泥與土壤中之污染物殘留,較適合代表環境中較為長期之污染趨勢。雖然上述各類化合物目前皆有其個別之分析方法,但是仍無可將其一併分析者。本研究開發以極致液相層析-質譜/質譜儀(UPLC-MS/MS)與氣相層析-質譜/質譜儀(GC-MS/MS)偵測土壤與底泥中有機磷類(11種)、氨基甲酸鹽類(5種)、合成除蟲菊精類(7種)、塑化劑(8種)、酚類(16種) 、多環芳香烴(24種,包含16個環保署優先多環芳香烴)、有機錫(8種)等共79個重要環境污染物之方法。土壤與底泥先經由QuEChERS前處理後,殺蟲劑、塑化劑、多環芳香烴、有機錫等以UPLC-MS/MS偵測,酚類則主要以GC-MS/MS分析。殺蟲劑、塑化劑以電灑游離(electrospray),多環芳香烴則以大氣壓光游離(atmospheric pressure photoionization)佐以管柱後添加10%苯甲醚 (anisole) 當作摻雜劑,酚類則以電子游離(electron ionization)。基本上每個待測物以多重反應監測(MRM)偵測兩個離子對,並以同位素稀釋技術進行定量。各待測物土壤和底泥 (溼重) 之方法偵測極限範圍大多在數個至數十個 ng/g; 大部分待測物檢量線的範圍皆能達r2 = 0.990以上。大部分待測物之基質效應因子約為70-130%,但利用穩定同位素標定內標準品校正可使大部分待測物的達良好的回收率(大多在75-130%)。為驗證分析方法之適用性,本研究分析16個河川底泥、2個民生污水廠污泥、4個港口底泥、13個河川周遭土壤、5個工業區周遭土壤樣本等共40件實際樣本,以瞭解79種重要環境污染物於土壤和底泥之背景殘留。底泥及土壤中以塑化劑與多環芳香烴類檢出濃度及檢出率較高。除了自行添加之樣本外,本研究也使用認證參考樣本進行方法驗證。本研究建立IPR (Initial precision and recovery) 和檢測方法草案,供計畫委託單位參考。
EngTitle The survey of pesticides,polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,phenols,phthalates,and organotins in soil
EngAbstract Pesticides, phenols, phthalates, and organotins were heavily used and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were widely generated from air pollution, such as transportation and combustion. All the above chemicals may run off via rain or air deposition to the river, ground water, sediment, and soil. Since most conditions in soil and sediment are anaerobic, the above compounds may exist in the environment persistently; consequently, the residue level in soil or sediment may represent a long term trend of pollution. Although there are some existing methods available on analyzing these compounds, there is none can analyze these groups together.This study developed a method for detecting 79 important environmental pollutants, including 11 organophosphates, 5 carbamates, 7 pyrethroids, 8 phthalates, 16 phenols, 24 PAHs (containing the 16 EPA priority PAHs), and 8 organotins, in soil and sediment, using ultra-performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS). Soils and sediments samples were treated with QuEChERS and the extracts were analyzed using UPLC-MS/MS with electrospray ionization (ESI) for insecticides, phthalates, and organotins, and atmospheric pressure photoionization (APPI) with post-column addition of anisole as a dopant for PAHs; phenols were analyzed with GC-MS/MS using electron ionization (EI). Data acquisition were at multiple-reaction monitoring (MRM) mode with monitoring two ion transitions at each analyte, and the quantitation were done with isotope-dilution techniques.The limits of detection of soil and sediment ranged most from few to tens of ng/g (wet weight) and 30 to 180 ng/g (wet weight). The square of regression coefficients (r2) of calibration curves were higher than 0.990. The matrix effect factors of analytes were most between 70-130%, and the use of isotope-labeled internal standards can cancel out the effects on quantitation resulting from matrix effects or variations of extraction efficiency, then reached good recoveries (most between 75-130%). For method validation, 40 real samples were analyzed, including 16 river sediments, two sludge from a water treatment plant, four sediment samples from two harbors, 13 soil samples around rivers, and 5 soil samples from industrial parks. Among the analytes, phthaltes and PAHs were in higher positive rates in the real samples. This study established the initial precision and recovery (IPR) and two drafts of standard analytical procedures for the National Institute of Enviromental Analysis.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學公共衛生學院環境衛生研究所