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Title 移動污染源細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)調查技術開發
Abstract 近年來,國內、外相關法令已將機動車輛的粒狀污染物列入管制的對象,其所排放的粒狀污染物濃度預期將會有更明確檢測方法與更新的管制標準。在如此國際趨勢中,發展適切的粒狀物濃度評估方法是必要的。因此本研究的目的在於發展一套針對使用中機車引擎尾氣排放粒狀污染物的量測系統。 實驗系統包含採樣緩衝腔、除溼裝置、旋風分徑器、自動連續監測儀器等部分。首先利用125 c.c.機車引擎搭配動力計系統產生穩定的尾氣排放條件,以建立尾氣中含水率、粒狀物粒徑濃度分布以及微粒之吸濕成長特性,作為分徑與除水裝置之依據。之後再以實車在惰轉狀態下,驗證與比較不同儀器組合的性能與限制。在除水裝置方面,有稀釋法、Nafion dryer以及冰浴法;分徑裝置則以旋風分徑器為主;而微粒濃度量測方面則有濾紙秤重、SMPS、FMPS、CPC、microAeth AE51黑碳計、Dusttrak、Opacity meter等方法。 由量測結果顯示機車引擎動力計排氣中的粒狀污染物,在惰轉狀態(1750 rpm)之下CMD約為0.05μm、GSD為1.8、數目濃度則為104~105 #/cm3。而從微粒之吸濕成長特性曲線可知尾氣中的微粒即使在相對濕度約100%的環境之下,並沒有顯著的吸濕現象。因此,稀釋的目的主要是為系統降溫,並避免凝結水於採樣管路中形成。樣本氣體含水量在惰轉狀態下約為7%,並隨著轉速增加而增加。當轉速最高為4000rpm時,約為10%。因此,實驗測試發現稀釋倍率約10倍應可避免凝結水的產生,但是卻同時降低粒狀物的濃度。平板型Nafion dryer在3 L/min之下對於次微米微粒(30~750 nm)無微粒穿透損失且能達到除水效果,但價格高是主要的缺點。而冰浴法發現操作簡單又能達到除溼與降溫效果。在PM2.5旋風分徑器實驗發現,流量分別在為16.7、3 L/min與美國EPA PM2.5分徑曲線符合。最後實際測試27台機車排氣,粒徑分布約在50 nm左右。當中化油器引擎19台,其質量濃度730.4±187.6 μg/m3、數目濃度2x106±721725;電子噴射引擎8台其質量濃度139.6±78.8 μg/m3、數目濃度1.2x105±8562 #/cm3。在不透光量測方面,多重反射式不透光度計(光徑達13公尺)測試結果得知當粒徑在70nm以上、質量濃度在1mg/m3、數目濃度在104~105 particles /cm3以上,不透光度計才有反應。故不透光度計受限機車粒徑多約在50 nm附近,質量濃度小於 1mg/m3 造成不透光度計無明顯反應。此外,在FMPS、SMPS、Black carbon、CPC與機車尾氣質量濃度分別比對的結果發現,FMPS (r=0.785)、SMPS (r=0.764)、CPC數目濃度 (r=0.698)、Black carbon (r=0.961)。從中發現microAeth AE51此台儀器所量得知黑碳質量濃度與濾紙質量濃度相關性最佳(r=0.961)。因此,最佳化採樣系統應選擇冰浴法搭配分徑器並串接自動連續監測儀器microAeth AE51作為使用中機車攔檢作業粒狀物之篩選工具。
EngTitle Development of fine particle (PM2.5) measurement technology
EngAbstract In recent years, the vehicle particle emissions standards had been included by regulations. The new measurement technology and control regulations for particle emissions can be expected. Hence, the development of particle concentration measurement system is essential. The purpose of this is to develop a measurement system for screening motorcycle exhaust particle emissions. The measuring system consisted of a buffer chamber, dehumifier, cyclone, and measurement instruments. The test particles were generated by a four-stroke engine of 125 cc motorcycle installed on the dynamometer. The particle size distribution, hygroscopic characteristic, and water content of emissions were evaluated for choosing the particle selector and dehumifier. Afterward, the different instruments were employed for measuring particle number and mass concentration on engine idle condition. The test dehumifiers including dilutor, Nafion drayer and ice bath. The particle selector was the cyclone. The particle number and mass concentration were measured by filter weighting, SMPS, FMPS, CPC, AE51, Dusttrak, and opacity meter. The results indicated that the engine emission at idle mode (1750 rpm) had a particle CMD of 0.05μm, GSD of 1.8 and number concentration of 104~105 #/cm3. The particles generated from engine emissions did not growth even if the RH achieved 100 %. Hence, the purpose of dilution was to decrease the sample temperature and avoid the water condensed on the sampling tube. The sample water content was 7 % and 10 % at idle mode and the full speed mode, respectively. The water content increased with increasing engine speed. The dilution ratio of 10 was enough for avoiding water condensed, but the drawback is the low particle concentration because of the dilution. The Nafion dryer had no particle loss for particles (30 ~ 750 nm) and had excellent dehumifiy efficiency. The expensive price was the drawback of Nafion. The ice bath is most cheap and simple method to decrease temperature and humidity. The cyclone had the same particle penetration curve with US EPA PM2.5 size-selection curve at the flow rate of 16.7 and 3 L/min. The particle characteristic measure by 27 motorcycles indicated that the particle mode is 50 nm. The mass concentration and number concentration of 19 carburetor engines were 730.4±187.6 μg/m3 and 2×106±721725 #/cm3, respectively. For 8 electronic injection engines, the mass concentration and number concentration were 139.6±78.8 μg/m3 and 1.2×105±8562 #/cm3. The multi-reflection opacity meter (light path= 13 m) had a detection limit of 1 mg/m3 when the number concentration was 104~105 #/m3 and particle size was 70nm. Hence the opacity meter had no response for the motorcycle particle emissions. The regression value of mass concentration on FMPS, SMPS, AE51 and CPC measurements were 0.785, 0.764, 0.698 and 0.961. The highest correlation existed between the filter weighting and AE51. Hence, the combination of AE51 and ice bath dehumifier were recommend method for the motorcycle particle emission screening.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 台灣大學