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Title 應回收廢塑膠容器再生料驗證評估 技術之建立—以聚丙烯(PP) 塑膠為例
Abstract 國內外皆有廢塑膠容器回收再利用相關環保標章或法令規範,要求特定商品製造時需摻配一定比例的消費後塑膠料。但目前尚無一套驗證再生料添加比例之檢測方法。因此,本研究以回收量較大之聚丙烯(Polypropylene, PP)為研究樣品,分析不同摻混比例之塑料性質,期能建立再生料添加量之檢測方法。 以新料/回收料進行相關參數之測定以設定射出成型加工條件,並製成各比例試片,分別進行熱性質分析、機械性質分析及形態學觀察,並與熱重分析之動力學結果(活化能Ea)進行驗證,以探討不同摻混比例之混和塑料特性。 實驗結果顯示,新料熔點約為171.97℃,回收料約為170.24℃;新料熔融指數約為8.3 g/10 min,回收料約為25.6 g/10 min;新料黏度介於11,600~13,400 poise之間,回收料介於7,120~8,320 poise之間。依基本性質分析結果,及現場設備實際操作狀況,設定各比例試片之射出成型加工條件,並射出各比例式片。各試片熔點約介於167~169℃之間;各試片熔融指數介於7.59~18.36 g/10 min之間,隨回收料比例提高而增加;黏度隨回收料摻混比例及轉速提高而下降;最大裂解溫度隨回收料摻混比例增加而下降,隨升溫速率增加而提高;楊氏係數介於112.11~191.02 Mpa之間,隨回收料比例提高而上升;衝擊強度介於37.94~49.41 J/m之間,無明顯趨勢;掃瞄式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM)分析結果顯示,S1~S3之破斷面皆可觀察到未完全斷裂之纖維絲,其拉伸應變值亦較大,與拉伸試驗結果相應;衝擊試驗之破斷面形態呈現良好之相容性,且其分布特性並未因回收料摻混比例有差異性;穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission electron microscope, TEM)分析結果顯示各試片分散性良好,且微結構之分布特性並未因回收料摻混比例有差異性;活化能介於39.91~12.07 kcal/mol之間,隨回收料比例提高而下降,活化能與熔融指數及楊氏係數呈高度負相關,與黏度呈高度正相關;本研究依實驗及統計分析結果,對回收料摻混比例評估之應用,提出3種推估方法,所建立之關係式可用於檢測PP塑膠回收料摻混比例之參考。
EngTitle The establishment of verification assessment standard of recycled Polypropylene (PP) as renew
EngAbstract There are green marks or regulations regarding recycled plastics, which request that specific products must be blending with certain ratios of postconsumer recycled plastics. However, there’s still no standard of verification on plastics blended with various ratios. Consequently, this project is aimed to establish a method of verification on Polypropylene (PP) plastics blended with various ratios by investigated the thermal and mechanical properties of the blended plastics. In this study, blended specimens are produced by injection molding with various ratios based on the parameters obtained from previous experiments. The blended specimens are analyzed and tested with thermal properties (by DSC, viscosity, MI, and TGA), mechanical properties (by tensile test and impact test), and morphological observations (by SEM and TEM), then verify the results with the activation energy (Ea) obtained from the kinetics, to investigate the characteristics of the blended specimens. The results revealed that Tm of new PP chips was 171.97℃ while that of postconsumer recycled PP was 170.24℃. MI of new PP chips was 8.3 g/10 min while that of postconsumer recycled PP was 25.6 g/10 min. Viscosity of new PP chips covered the range of 11,600 to 13,400 poise while that of postconsumer recycled PP covered the range of 7,120 to 8,320 poise. The operational parameters to inject blended specimens were set based on the testing results and operating conditions on-site, and produced the specimens with various mixing ratios. Tm of the specimens were in between 167-169℃. MI were in between 7.59-18.36 g/10 min, increased with increase of the ratio that recycled PP took account, and with increase of rotation speed as well. Maximum decomposition temperature decreased with increase of the ratio that recycled PP took account, and increased with increase of heating rates. Young’s Modulus (E) were in between 112.11-191.02 Mpa, and increased with increase of the ratio that recycled PP took account. Impact strength were in between 37.94~49.41 J/m and revealed no specific trends. The results of SEM showed that the specimens became more brittle with the increase of the ratio that recycled PP took account, which corresponded to the results of the tensile tests. Results of morphology analysis indicated good dispersions among the specimens by TEM. Ea were in between 39.91-12.07 kcal/mol, and decreased with increase of the ratio that recycled PP took account. Ea had significantly and highly negative correlation with MI, and E, and had significantly and highly positive correlation with viscosity. According to the experimental and statistical analysis results, we established equations to estimate mixing ratios in three different ways, and those equations can serve as reference for verifying the mixing ratios of PP plastics.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 國立高雄第一科技大學