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Title 103年度嘉義市民俗活動、餐飲業及露天燃燒空氣污染稽查管制計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容包含:寺廟神壇空氣污染排放調查與污染減量推廣、露天燃燒空氣污染管制作業及餐飲業空氣污染管制作業。各項執行成果報告摘要如下:一、寺廟神壇空氣污染排放調查與污染減量推廣(一) 寺廟空氣污染物排放現況調查結果本計畫今年度針對23家寺廟進行調查,現階段完成69件次普查工作,有3間寺廟並未販賣紙錢,而其他寺廟紙錢重量落在0.2~0.3公斤比例最高,以嘉興宮紙錢重量最重0.53公斤;平常日普查的23家寺廟中,每日紙錢用量以南天門太子行宮最多、其次為天后宮、朝陽宮;初一及十五的寺廟中,每日紙錢用量以天后宮最多,南天門太子行宮次之;節慶普查寺廟中,每日紙錢用量以上帝廟最多,東門忠義十九公廟次之。(二) 自主管理寺廟維護及評鑑作業今年度寺廟空氣污染自主管理推廣方面,新增5間寺廟參與,使本市實施污染減量與管理之寺廟總數達57家,佔了全市寺廟的39%。紙錢集中燒於95年推動迄今,合計紙錢收集約1407.7公噸,且各寺廟減少72,144公斤的紙錢及4,795,972支的拜香。節能效益方面,總計完成汰換傳統燈泡約234,035顆,汰換率達93.1%。(三) 以米代金活動今年度有12家寺廟願意配合推廣以米代金,相較於去年成長33%,經活動統計響應人數已達3,938較去年成長128%,總計減少紙錢787.03公斤燃燒將可減少96.04公斤的空氣污染物,當中粒狀污染物共7.84公斤,降低二氧化碳排放量1180.6 公斤。(四) 重要節慶紙錢集中燒及以功代金活動今年度清明節紙錢集中燃燒活動自共計有62處單位響應,並經活動後統計,本次紙錢集中達8,230公斤,估計參與人數達3,919人,且與102年13,740相比減量達40%。且共有282位民眾響應使用冥間支票,較102年的50名增加5倍以上,約可減少592.2公斤紙錢燃燒,促進減少888.3公斤的二氧化碳排放。結合3個社福機關團體宣傳推動「以功代金」,而共計有399人參與,響應金額累計達85,294元,共可減少1,804公斤紙錢燃燒,促進減少2,706.7公斤的二氧化碳排放。今年度中元節紙錢集中燃燒活動自共計有162處單位響應,並經活動後統計,本次紙錢集中達76,110公斤,以九華山地藏庵收集紙錢量最多佔67.6%。且有588位民眾響應超商紙錢集中活動,收得紙錢610公斤,相較於去年集中量增加200公斤,響應人數由232位提升至588位,增加2.5倍。結合3個社福機關團體宣傳推動「以功代金」,而共計有226人參與,響應金額累計達13萬675元,共可減少2,744.2公斤紙錢燃燒,促進減少4,116.3公斤的二氧化碳排放。二、露天燃燒空氣污染管制作業今年度計畫期間執行了412件的露天燃燒稽巡查作業,加上1月份11件,共計423件次,其中陳情稽查有139件次,較去年同期189件低,減少比例達26%。而陳情案件中,主要的行政區域則以西區為主,達84件次(60%)。在陳情稽查發現狀況部分,仍以未發現60件(43%)最多,主要是因為大部分露天燃燒以點源為主,以及陳情民眾告知資訊不足;而查獲燃燒物種以樹枝葉及植物為主,且所查獲露天燃燒總燃燒量達15.04公噸,約可減少1314.9公斤污染物排放。三、餐飲業空氣污染管制作業(一) 餐飲業普查作業為掌握本市餐飲業油煙排放和防制情形,針對本市277家餐飲業者普查結果進行分析。依經營型態區分,以中式餐飲為主,佔了48%;有57%之業者皆有裝設擋板式設備;有33%的裝設水洗式或靜電集塵機等後處理設備;針對處理設備的保養維護部分,有85%的業者皆會進行保養。(二) 餐飲業空氣污染稽巡查作業今年度計畫執行期間,共完成餐飲業稽巡查239件次,加上1月份稽巡查量,總計260件,其中屬油煙陳情案件共接獲72家,陳情比例為歷年同期最低。且經稽查後續輔導及追蹤,共計有43家業者完成改善,經推估共促成TSP減量1700.4公斤及THC減量4027.8公斤。顯示經宣導及管制,各業者已逐步加強污染管制工作,改善本市餐飲業油煙污染情形。(三) 餐飲業空氣污染輔導減量今年度完成餐飲業輔導減量21家次,作業達成率達100%。各業者經輔導委員(國立中山大學環境工程研究所周明顯教授),現場會勘與建議後,截至12月15日有19家完成改善,其餘仍尚在改善期間,後續仍持續追蹤。
EngAbstract The main content of this project included: air pollution emissions investigation at temples and altars, pollution reduction promotion, open burning air pollution control operations and catering industry air pollution control operations. The results of the implementation report are summarized below:A. The Investigation of air pollution emissions at temples and altars and pollution reduction promotion1. Investigation results of the air pollution emissions at temples and altars. 69 times of the census has been done in this stage in the project and among 23 temples investigated, tree temples did not sell paper money with the weight of paper money from 0.2 to 0.3 kg, which is the highest proportion; on the weekdays, as for the number of pilgrims and the amount of paper money, South Gate Prince's palace ranked the highest; as for the number of pilgrims at festivals and the amount of paper money, the God Temple ranked the highest.2. Self-management and evaluation operations of the temple maintenance In this year, as for the promotion of the self-management of temple air pollution promotion, a total of three temples participated so that the total amount of the city's pollution has reduced and the number of temples has reached 57, accounting for 39% of the city's temples . From 2007 till 2014 September, the total collection of the paper money has been about 1,407 tonnes, and each temple cumulatively annually has reduced 72,144 kg of spirit money and 4,795,972 sticks of incense. In the aspects of energy efficiency, a total of about 234,035 light bulbs has been replaced with the replacement rate of 93.1 %.3. Rice substitute spirit money This year there are 12 temples are willing to cooperate to promote a meter voucher, grow 33% compared to last year, the number has reached 3,938 activity statistics in response to growth of 128 percent over last year, for a total reduction of burning paper money 787.4 kg;96.04kg will reduce air pollution matter, which total 7.84 kg particulate pollutants, reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 1180.6 kg.4. Concentration money burring on festivals and ghost check activity In this year, as for the concentration money burring activity on Tomb Sweeping festival, there was a total of 62 units participating, and after the activity, the statistics showed that this concentrated paper money has reached up to 8,230 kilograms with an estimated number of 3,919 people; compared with 13,740 in 2013, the reduction amount has reached 40 %. A total of 282 people responded to the use of ghost checks, w A total of 282 people responded to the use of ghost checks,ith the increasing rate up to five times, compared to 50 in 2013. About 592.2 kg of the paper money had been reduced, which promoted the reduction of 888.3 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. Combining three welfare agencies and organizations to promote to ghost check, a total of 399 people involved with the amount reaching NT$85,294, with a total reduction of 1,804 kilograms of paper money burning, and the reduction of 2,706.7 kg of carbon dioxide emissions. In this year, as for the concentration money burring activity on Hungry Ghost festival, there was a total of 162 units participating, and after the activity, the statistics showed that this concentrated paper money has reached up to 76,110 kilograms . Jiuhua Mountain hut to collect the amount of concentration money up to 67.6%. There are 588 people respond and concentration money centralized activities, collected paper money 610 kg, compared to last year increased by 200 kg centralized response number increased from 232 to 588, an increase of 2.5 times. Combining three welfare agencies and organizations to promote to ghost check, a total of 226 people involved with the amount reaching NT$130,675, with a total reduction of 2,744.2 kilograms of paper money burning, and the reduction of 4,116.3 kg of carbon dioxide emissions.B Open burning air pollution control operations In this year, a total of 412times of the open burning inspections was completed, with 139cases of pétition inspection; it has been reduced by 26%. However, in the petition cases, the main administrative regions dominated Western parts, with up to 84times (60 %). As for the problem occurring in the petition inspection, the unfound cases were 60 (43%), which was the most. It’s mainly because of mostly the burning origins in the open burning, and insufficient information provided by the petition individuals; while the burning species found were mainly tree leaves and plant with the total combustion amount of open burning reaching 15.04tonnes, which contributed to the reduction of pollutant emissions about 1314.9kg.C. The food and beverage industry air pollution control operations1. Food and beverage industry census operations To capture the city food and beverage industry smoke emission and control scenarios, the city's 227 food and beverage industry survey results were analyzed. By the operating patterns, Chinese restaurants accounted for 48%; 54 % of the industry had installed the baffle equipment; 33% with the installation of wet scrubbers, electrostatic precipitators and other post-processing equipment; as for the maintenance of the processing equipment, 85 % of the industry conducted maintenance.2. Food and beverage industry air pollution inspection operations In this year,239cases of food and beverage industry has completed the inspections, among which a total of 72 cases of smoke petitions was reported; compared with previous years, the proportion variation of the petitions was only less than 3 %. After the the follow-up counseling and follow-through inspection, a total of 42 industries completed improvement. By estimation, the amount of 1700.4kg of TSP and4027.8 kg THC reductions was achieved. It showed that with the advocacy and control, each industry has gradually strengthened pollution control efforts to improve the city's restaurant industry soot pollution situation .4. Food and beverage industry air pollution reduction counseling In this year, the reduction counseling has reached 21 industries with the job fulfillment rate of 100 %. After the on-site checkup and suggestions by the counseling member (Professor Zhou Mingxian from Institute of Environmental Engineering, National Sun Yat-Sen University), there were 19industries have completed improvement till September, each industry is still improving and will be followed up according to the project.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 嘉義市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 瑩諮科技股份份有限公司