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Title 103 年金門縣環境教育推動計畫
Abstract 我國環境教育法自民國100 年6 月5 日實施以來,今年已邁向第四年。環境教育法的推動,主要是希望促進國民瞭解個人及社會與環境的相互依存關係,增進全民環境倫理與責任,進而維護環境生態平衡、尊重生命、促進社會正義,培養環境公民與環境學習社群,以達到永續發展。金門地區近年來在經濟開發與生態保育之間的衝突不斷,除了鱟的生態棲息地遭受破壞以外,歐亞水獺的生存目前也成為全民關注的焦點。長期受到軍事管制的金門地區,在解除軍管之後所帶來的觀光與開發衝擊,對於原本受到良好保護的自然與人文環境,均帶來不小的衝擊與影響。工作團隊在本年度工作期程(103 年2 月26 日至11 月30 日)當中,辦理了77 場次環境教育活動,共吸引10,069 人次參與。本年度活動執行的重點在於「海洋環境教育」以「公民參與環境議題」的方向,希望藉由這些環境教育活動的辦理,能夠喚醒金門居民重視長期被忽略的海洋環境保護,以及在地公民為故鄉故土發聲的行動力。藉由活動回饋單的呈現,我們觀察到金門居民多數仍舊非常關心故鄉原有的文化與生態環境,但是受到民風純樸的影響,多數居民仍不願於公開場合表達相關意見。
EngAbstract In Taiwan, the Environmental Education Act (EEA) has been implemented for four years since 2011. The purpose of legislating EEA is to promote people understanding the interdependence among individual, society and environment, promoting humans environmental ethics and sponsibility,maintaining the ecological balance of environment, respecting for life,promoting the social justice, and finally achieving sustainable development.In recent years, the conflicts between economic development andecological conservation in Kinmen County were more and more serious. Inaddition to the issue of habitat destruction for horseshoe crabs, Eurasian otter'ssurvival has become the new focused issue. However, since Kinmen County isan island close to Mainland China, which has been subject to military controlfor several decades of years. Especially, after the lifting of martial law greatimpact of tourism and development were brought into this small island, andthus the original natural and cultural environment were well protected.This project executing team hosted 77 session environmental educationactivities in Kinmen County, which attracted 10,069 people to participate inthose activities in the year of 2014. The activities were focused on marineenvironment education and citizen participation in environmental issues. It washoped to implement such kinds of environmental education activities toencourage people in Kinmen achieving marine environmental protection andcitizen participation. Through the activities feedback forms, we observed thatthe majority of residents in Kinmen County were still very concerned about theoriginal culture and environment. However, due to the influence of simple folkculture in Kingmen County, the majority of residents were still reluctant topresent their views in public place.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 金門縣環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 國立中山大學