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Title 聚乳酸回收料之可分解塑膠膜產品開發與環境友善評估
Abstract 近幾年來PLA已經大量應用於容器與射出成型的產品。因此,PLA回收容器將隨著其使用量而逐年增加。本計畫執行為尋求PLA回收塑料的再製成可分解膜產品的開發與環境友善評估。本計畫執行區分為三部份進行探討。實驗第一部分乃針對回收廠收取的PLA回收塑料處理程序模式之建立,並藉由粉碎與擠壓機熱熔分離程序,獲得純度較高的PLA回收再製粒以供後續實驗使用。而實驗第二部份則探討物性改善劑對PLA回收塑料的物性提升,以滿足後續產品開發所需的基本物性需求。此外,導入生質材料(如澱粉)、相容劑與PLA回收再製粒,經擠壓加工共混煉,並由工業級吹膜機規劃購物袋、環保垃圾袋與環保傘套等生物可分解膜袋類製品。實驗第三部份則將上述的膜袋類產品,進行生物可分解性評估,同時檢測所開發製品是否含有環境荷爾蒙等成份。此計畫的執行乃有助於處理大量的PLA回收物與開發出環境友善的可分解膜袋類產品。
EngTitle The development and eco-friendly evaluation of biodegradable recycled PLA plastic film products
EngAbstract Large quantities of Polylactic acid (PLA) container and injection molded products have been applied for recent year. Therefore there are mass quantities of recycled PLA products needed to be reused. This study proposed the environmental-friendly development of biodegradable film products to reuse the recycled PLA material. There were three parts of the experimental design in this project. The first part was the setup of the recycling model for the PLA recycling procedure. We used the meshing process together with the melting-extrusion process to obtain the relatively purified PLA pellets from the PLA recycling stream. The second part of study was the inclusion of property modifier to strengthen the properties of recycled PLA materials. Meanwhile the biomass (e.g. starch), modifier, and recycled PLA were compounded in the extrusion process to find the proper combination ratio and procedure for the film products, e.g. environmental-friendly shopping bag, trash bag or umbrella bag, etc. The film products were tested in the industrial scale of manufacturing process. The third part of experiment was the biodegradation test for above mentioned film products to evaluate the biodegradability effects by the inclusion of property modifiers. Besides, the measurement of endocrine disruptor in the re-made products were evaluated in this project. The success of this proposal benefitted the necessity of reusing large quantities of recycled PLA and also developed the useful environmental-friendly plastic film products for our society.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 大同大學