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Title 固態生質廢棄物衍生燃料之綠色設計、技術開發與環境效益評估
Abstract 臺灣地區對於進口能源之依賴程度高,故開發新能源與節能減碳遂成為政府當前重要的施政目標,其中以固態廢棄物衍生燃料(RDF-5)之生質能源較具發展潛力,且有利於溫室氣體減量。基於國際間環保意識高漲,生命週期評估已逐漸成為產品環保化設計重要評估工具,可作為改善產品設計以達污染防治與永續發展之目標。本研究計畫針對行政院環境保護署規範之應回收廢棄物生質塑膠,使其與生質廢棄物(稻稈)及廢甘油拌合轉製成RDF-5,並藉由產品生命週期技術評估整體製程,以找出符合綠色設計理念之最佳合成RDF-5的操作條件。此外並進行RDF-5之量產與實廠試燒試驗及相關空氣污染物檢測,以探討RDF-5作為鍋爐燃料之可能性。本計劃之研究結果得知量產化在缺乏加熱設備之下,目前單套設備可獲得之產量為50 kg/h,且實場製備RDF-5之最佳配比為稻稈:PLA:廢甘油為8:8:1。所製備獲得之RDF-5之密度、容積重、堅牢度、水分分別為1.34 g/cm3、648.6 kg/m3、95.6%、2.78%,皆符合優質生質燃料顆粒的規範。實場試燒條件為RDF-5與棕櫚殼燃料混合試燒(質量比1:2),每小時進料總燃料約1噸且每噸燃料可獲得每小時2.4噸蒸氣量;由空氣污染物檢測分析結果可推算出RDF-5可能的空氣污染物排放量,相關計算結果顯示:以RDF-5作為燃料使用,其空氣污染物排放量與濃度皆低於目前法定之標準排放量,因此本計畫所製備之RDF-5可作為鍋爐燃料使用。以問卷調查RDF-5工廠設備製造商規劃新設工廠之設備需求,進而利用工程經濟方法來計算設廠之成本,其中針對原物料端、製造端、運輸端及使用端之成本效益進行評估,使產品對環境的衝擊最小,並使廠商獲得最佳利潤。經濟評估結果顯示:稻稈比率為73%、PLA為21%及廢甘油為5%時,RDF-5之成本為51萬元/噸,而稻稈比率為51%、PLA為45%及廢甘油為3%時,成本增加為53萬元/噸。利用情境分析針對不同產量與不同原物料價位進行模擬,結果顯示於每日RDF-5量產2公噸情境下,於低、中、高原料價位,每公噸RDF-5生產成本分別為7,854、13,526及16,898元;於每日RDF-5產量8公噸情境下,於低、中、高原料價位,每公噸RDF-5生產成本分別為5,558、10,103及14,628元。此外,於模擬新設廠及舊有廠的情況所獲得之結果,建議以新設廠之操作方式雖然成本較高,但可降低一些無法預期的風險成本。本計畫搭配多目標模糊規劃模式及實廠進行RDF-5之燃燒所獲得之數據製備最低碳排及最低成本之產品,使研發產品之碳排及成本有效降低,進一步使得資源回收之再生產品能具有降低對環境衝擊及較低之開發成本等優勢。
EngTitle Green Design, Technology Development, and Environmental Benefit Assessment of the Densified Biowaste
EngAbstract As the energy crisis and resource shortage continue, the development of new energy, energy conservation and carbon reduction have become important goals of the current policy for the government. The usage of densified refuse derived fuel (RDF-5) assisted in reducing the emission of greenhouse gases so as to possess high potential to be used as the biomass energy. Based on the international environmental consciousness, the life-cycle assessment (LCA) has become an environmental assessment tool for improving product design to achieve goals of pollution prevention and sustainable development. The objectives of this project were to manufacture RDF-5 from waste bioplastics (polylactic acid, PLA), biowastes (rice straw), and waste glycerol by means of green design and environmental benefit assessment. In addition, the induced green design concept of LCA assisted in the search for the optimum operating parameters. The RDF-5 from the large-scale production was used as a fuel in a real scale boiler and the emissions from the stack were monitored in order to investigate the feasible application. The production rate of RDF-5 reached 50 kg/h under the lack of heating equipment during the mixing. The ratio used in the scale-up manufacturing process was rice straw: PLA: waste glycerol equal to 8: 8: 1. The density, bulk density, durability, water content of the resulting RDF-5 were 1.34 g/cm3, 648.6 kg/m3, 95.6%, and 2.78%, respectively, which showed that the obtained RDF-5 possessed good quality as biofuel. The combustion of the mixture fuel of palm kernel shell (PKS) and RDF-5 at a ratio of 2:1 produced 2.4 ton steam/h/ton fuel under the total feedstock rate of around ton/h. The emission of air pollutants during the combustion process satisfied the emission standard of the boiler factory. The results from the green design showed that the manufacturing costs of the RDF-5 containing PLA of 21 wt.% and PLA of 45 wt.% were about 510,000 NT/ton, and 530,000 NT/ton, respectively. The Scenario analyses were done for two production scales: 2 and 8 ton/day. The former showed that the production costs were 7,845 NT/ton, 13,526 NT/ton, 16,898 NT/ton for low, medium and high material prices, respectively. In addition, the latter indicated the production costs were 5558 NT/ton, 10,103 NT/ton, 14,628 NT/ton for low, medium and high material prices, respectively. In summary, this project has successfully produced RDF-5 from waste PLA, rice straw with/without waste glycerol in a large scale and the real-scale combustion study showed the emission of air pollutants from the stack all satisfied the emission standard as the RDF-5 was used as fuel for the boiler. The usage of obtained RDF-5 in this study indeed reduces the emission of greenhouse gases and reaches the goal of sustainability and zero waste.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 基管會
ExecutingOrg 東海大學