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Title 土壤中有機污染物濃度與實際污染強度關聯性研究計劃
Abstract 瞭解污染物在不同介質的平衡分佈與作用機制,可以推估污染物在地下環境的宿命行為,進一步篩選出合適的整治技術,加速整治工作的進行。土壤是礦物質與SOM所組合成的雙重作用體,有機物對礦物質之作用是表面的吸附作用,呈現非直線型的等溫吸附線;SOM則是類似溶解機制的分配作用,產生直線型的等溫吸持線。在水溶液系統中,礦物質表面會優先被水分子所佔據,導致有機物對土壤的作用力主要是以分配到SOM為主。在氣相系統中 (通氣層),有機物對土壤的作用力會隨著相對濕度的變化而改變。對乾燥的土壤而言,礦物質表面的吸附為主要作用力;潮濕土壤則主要是分配到SOM的作用,其比例會隨著相對濕度而有所不同。有機物在整體土壤的濃度會和土壤有機質含量 (fom) 及污染物無因次分配係數 (Kom) 有關。基於潮濕土壤對有機物主要是分配作用,提出有效土壤污染濃度觀念,有機物在整體土壤的濃度與土壤有機質含量 (fom) 和污染物無因次分配係數 (Kom) 有關。土壤有機物污染濃度管制值必須考慮到土壤有機質成分,所訂定出來的地下水污染管制標準對不同的土壤才具有一致性。
EngTitle Investigation of the correlation between the organic contamination level in soils and the actual con
EngAbstract Concentrations of organic contaminants in common productive soils based on the total soil mass give a misleading account of actual contamination effects. This is attributed to the fact that productive soils are essentially water-saturated, with the result that the soil uptake of organic compounds occurs principally by partition into the soil organic matter (SOM). The soil contamination intensity of a compound is governed by the concentration in the SOM (Com), i.e., the effective contamination level, rather than by the concentration in whole soil (Cs). This SOM-based index is considered timely needed for a evaluating the contamination effects of food crops grown in different soils and for establishing a dependable priority ranking for intended remediation of numerous contamination sites.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 中央大學環境工程研究所