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Title 兩岸環境檢測(監測)服務業交流計畫-拓展中國大陸市場(1/3)
Abstract 本計畫透過資料蒐集分析、問卷調查分析、深度訪談、舉辦及參與交流活動等方式,蒐集中國大陸環境檢測(監測)業相關資料。中國大陸民營環境檢測機構管理的上位法尚未公佈,但已開始起草了政府向社會購買環境監測服務的指導意見。中央於起步階段先讓各省級去試點實施,未來成功經驗可能納入中央規範。目前各地開放進度、項目不一,甚至同一省中不同縣市的開放程度亦差異很大。國家重點監控企業自行監測制度將於2015年起強制實施,可能會增加民營環境檢測的市場,但因為企業亦可自行檢測且不需認證,因此市場增加可能有限。本計畫亦完成了廣東省、福建省兩地的環境檢測業投資指南,內容包含了外商投資法令、中國大陸認證系統CMA (China Metrology Accreditation, 中國計量認證/認可)與CNAS (China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment, 中國合格評定國家認可委員會)的介紹、CMA申請方式、中國大陸環境檢測方法、持證上崗方式、常見問題集等。在海峽兩岸服貿協議開放陸資來臺方面,業界評估認為以併購臺灣現有檢測公司的可能性最高,對臺灣市場僅有些微的影響,但影響原因為增加市場競爭對手。只要主管機關秉持原則,公平對待臺資、陸資及外資,落實管理規定,即可將衝擊降到最低。兩岸交流方面,本計畫於5月在臺灣順利舉辦《第二屆海峽兩岸環境檢測(監測)技術交流會》,共161人參加,會中更首度舉辦兩岸環境檢測業的產業論壇。10月底組成涵蓋產、官、學界共28人之代表團,參訪中國大陸北京及江蘇省多個環境檢測/監測的中央及地方單位。未來建議應持續兩岸交流,並建立持續性的交流平臺,掌握中國大陸民營化環境檢測市場發展趨勢,並提供臺灣相關管理經驗以促進其發展。臺灣的政府、學界及民間業者,亦可扮演不同的角色,推動跨業整合,協助臺灣環境檢測業者有機會拓展中國大陸環境檢測市場。
EngAbstract This project has collected the market information of environmental analysis industry in Mainland China. The central management regulation for commercialized environmental analysis industry has not been set yet. However, the Ministry of Environmental Protection is drafting the instruction opinions for the whole country. At present, the central government allowed all provinces to test the different systems, and the successful experience might be accepted as central system. Since 2015, the enterprises subject to intensive monitoring and control of the state will be forced to self-monitor, but the increase of the environmental analysis market may be limited, because the enterprises could do the monitoring by themselves but not release the works to the commercialized laboratories. The environmental analysis industry investing guidebook for Guangdong Province and Fujian Province are finished, and the content includes China Metrology Accreditation (CMA) application, introduction of China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS), environmental analysis methods of Mainland China, Q&A….etc. The estimates of this project show that the influence of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement to the industry of environmental analysis for Taiwan is little. As long as the authority makes sure the management system run well, the impact to the quality of the environmental analysis will be prevented. There are many cross-strait communication events for the environmental analysis industry this year. “The 2nd Cross-Strait environmental monitoring (analysis) technology exchange symposium” was hold by this project in New Taipei City in May. In October, this project called a delegation of 28 members to visit Beijing and Nanjing. In the future, the cross-strait should keep exchange for the commercialized environment analysis industry, and build a sustainable exchange platform.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 中華民國環境檢驗測定商業同業公會