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Title 健全廢棄物越境轉移法規制度計畫
Abstract 本計畫完成項目,分為(1)混合五金廢料取消禁止輸入影響分析及法規管理配套;(2)檢討國內廢棄物越境轉移法規;(3)輸出廢棄物處理境外訪視;(4)廢棄物管理國際參與等四部分。各項成果簡述如后:(一)混合五金廢料取消禁止輸入影響分析及法規管理配套1.為兼顧環境保護與產業發展,已針對解除禁止輸入12項混合五金廢料進行環境影響及法規管理配套分析與評估,並研提三方案研析報告。2.報告內容依(1)評估緣由及範圍;(2)混合五金廢料管制沿革;(3)我國稀有金屬相關產業現況;(4)取消禁止輸入可行性評估;(5)建議方案之法規管理配套等提出完整說明。(二)檢討國內廢棄物越境轉移法規1.配合資循法草案,已研擬「廢棄資源越境轉移辦法」、「禁止輸入之廢棄資源種類及其管理事項」、「禁止輸出之廢棄資源種類及其管理事項」等三個子法草案條文,以及現行「屬產業用料需求之事業廢棄物種類」修正草案、「廢棄物輸出入許可核發審議規範」草案條文。2.已配合環保署環訓所,提供廢棄物輸出、輸入管理教材,並完成巴塞爾公約資訊網頁更新14次。(三)輸出廢棄物處理境外訪視1.已依據輸出至韓國、新加坡廢棄物情形,篩選受訪處理機構,並於12月2日至6日參訪韓國、12月17日至20日參訪新加坡各2家處理機構及環保主管機關。2.已完成韓國及新加坡廢棄物管理法規架構及輸出入法規彙整研析,彙整四個處理機構之處理方式、污染防治設施、實際處理我國廢棄物種類及數量等資料。並針對我國於亞太區域資源循環因應提出建議。(四)廢棄物管理國際參與1.已完成巴塞爾公約第九次開放式工作組會議(2014年9月15日至9月19日)2人次出席,並彙整會議重點及與會交流資訊,提出出國報告;並蒐集亞洲廢棄物相關會議資訊。2.彙整研析日本廢棄物管理相關法規並予以中譯,另針對日本廢棄物處理法、巴塞爾法之廢棄物、特定有害廢棄物定義,提出研析說明。
EngTitle Improvement of law management project of transboudary movement of wastes
EngAbstract The project completed the following tasks: (1) the environmental impact analysis and regulatory management supporting measures for permitting mixed metal scraps import, (2) reviewing domestic regulations and laws of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes, (3) abroad on-site visit of exported waste disposal facility, and (4) the participation of international activities related to waste management. Details are described in the following section.1.The environmental impact analysis and regulatory management supporting measures for permitting mixed metal scraps import(1)In consideration of both the benefits for rare metal industry development and the potential environmental impacts, the environmental impact analysis was conducted on twelve categories of mixed scrap metals proposed for import permission, and the supporting management measures were evaluated, including analysis report of three alternative plans.(2)The contents of the analysis report includes: (A) the introduction and scope of the report, (B) the regulatory history of the mixed scrap metals, (C) the status of rare metal industry in Taiwan, (D) the feasibility assessment of revoking ban on mixed scrap metals import; and (E) the proposal of legal regulation and supporting management measures.2.Reviewing domestic regulations and laws of transboundary movement of hazardous wastes(1)In concert with the draft cyclic resources act, regulations and laws were drafted and proposed, including the draft transboundary movement of hazardous wastes regulation, the draft waste resource categories import ban and management regulations, the draft waste resource categories export ban and management regulations, the draft revision of industrial waste categories for industrial material requirements, and the draft waste export/import permit reviewing and issuing regulation.(2)The waste export/import management training materials were provided to the environmental professionals training institute, EPA. The industrial waste export/import permit application and procedure instruction handbook was completed. The Basel Convention information website was revised fourteen times.3.On-site visit to waste disposal facilities abroad(1)Two separate on-site visit trips to Korea and Singapore were completed. Each trip visited two selected disposal facilities which processed wastes imported from Taiwan, as well as one government environmental agency.(2)The waste management regulatory framework and regulations of Korea and Singapore were researched and analyzed. Data collected from four on-site visit disposal facilities were synthesized, including the disposal methods, the pollution control installations, and the categories and amounts of waste imported from Taiwan. Suggestions were made regarding the cyclic resource issues in the Asia-pacific region.4.The participation of international activities related to waste management(1)Two representatives participated in the ninth meeting of the open-ended working group of the Basel Convention (from September 15 to 19, 2014). The meeting information and discussion with other meeting participants were synthesized and written in report. Asian conference information related to waste management ware also collected.(2)The waste management regulations of Japan were collected, researched and translated to Chinese. An analysis report of the Japanese waste disposal laws, and the definition of wastes and hazardous wastes in the Basel Convention were completed.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人環境資源研究發展基金會