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Title 103年度整合碳足跡排放係數建置方法與基線專案研究計畫
Abstract 於碳足跡計算服務需求增加之發展趨勢下,產品與服務碳足跡計算之基礎能力建構,已逐漸成為政府及產業界達成減碳目標、碳資訊揭露、對外宣示其企業社會責任及產品綠色行銷之重要溝通工具。為呼應國內業界需求,行政院環保署碳足跡計算服務平台已經開始運作,並持續擴充碳足跡計算服務平台所需(基礎原物料600項)的碳足跡排放係數數量。加速基礎原物料碳排放係數數量擴充速度的機制研擬為本計畫的工作要項之一,包含括擴大合作對象(學界、公協會)及引進已經建置完畢之碳足跡係數(國內業界碳係數提供及國外資料庫引進),研擬合理可行的引用機制,謀求可縮短碳排放係數建置時程,以供國內產業各界所使用。另一方面,國際上生命週期評估議題的發展,已經不僅只關注碳足跡單一環境指標的衝擊,而是朝多元的環境衝擊方向關注環境議題,如歐盟正在發展中的環境足跡、以生命週期成本分析方式應用於環境考量面及社會生命週期評估等。本計畫透過專家、委員的意見交流與建議,已彙整後續之發展重點及提出短中期可具體執行的整合政策建議。依照計畫時程規劃,本專案工作計畫已完成查核點之各項工作內容要求,以下摘述本專案工作計畫執行迄今之重要成果:1.與低碳建築聯盟合作,檢視其所建置碳排放係數之建築材料清單並提出12項建議優先建置項目,於係數選項研商專家座談會由委員給予排序,依執行可行性建置前5項建築材料碳排放係數並評定其數據品質,達基本品質者將以三階段審議納入品質庫,僅初估品質者則納入參考庫。2.搜尋並分析多個國外碳足跡資料庫型態,有盤查資料(美、澳、歐盟)者,較有可能本土化於國內產業使用,經過資料庫試行本土化轉換程序,並評估了此種轉換可能遭遇的問題,包括資料可解讀性、作業時間、數據品質等級等之後;提出資料本土化轉換機制(SOP),並對未來持續充實參考庫係數項目提出具體建議。3.發展國內業者提供碳排放係數的引用機制,以在維持品質資料庫品質前提下,快速累積可用碳排放係數數量。這類係數判斷是否納入品質庫的要素,在於該係數是否完成查證,若未進行查證則建議放入參考庫,此外,放入參考庫的評斷要素為所提供說明資料之完整性、符合質量平衡符合-10%到+20%的誤差範圍、與其他資料庫係數比對低於50%的誤差範圍內,本計畫已針對上述國內資料採納的機制建立標準作業程序(SOP)。4.針對碳足跡計算平台資料庫提出「參考庫」概念,目的是收納有別於現行經三階段嚴謹審議後所納入之碳足跡排放係數。不僅能夠快速增加可用係數數量,也不致於使得現行建置之係數資料庫因混入數據透明度較差的係數而影響整體資料庫品質。平台的係數用於碳標籤產品的計算時,應儘量使用高品質的係數,使用參考庫資料在所計算的碳足跡貢獻的比例,建議不超過30%(參考歐盟環境足跡指引的數據品質規定,至少前70%環境衝擊貢獻項目要為優良品質),單項活動數據採用參考庫係數,應要求計算出的碳足跡對總碳足跡的貢獻比例,低於3%。5.針對歐盟環境足跡(EU PEF)、生命週期成本分析(LCC)應用於環境考量面及社會生命週期評估(SLCA)等蒐集發展現況,並透過與碳標籤審議會委員及生命週期管理專家之座談與意見交流,提出環境整合性政策建議。其中LCC及SLCA暫不列入政策規劃,但鼓勵廠商接受示範性輔導,在PEF方面,建議於碳足跡產品類別規則(CFP-PCR)中納入ISO14025的第三類環境宣告產品類別規則(EPD-PCR)概念,引導業界逐步熟悉與接受環境足跡。
EngTitle Integrated approach to build carbon footprint emission factor and baseline research project
EngAbstract Product carbon disclosure has become an important and inevitable measure for businesses to declare their social responsibilities while in keeping pace with the international trends of carbon reduction. To echo the domestic demand, the Executive Yuan EPA carbon footprint calculation service platforms already in operation, and continue to expand the carbon footprint emission factors for computing services, but the current expansion rate is still unable to meet the user's expectations. To this end, this project through cooperation with domestic industrial circles or academia to introduce carbon footprint coefficient; but also raised several new way to increment coefficient quantity.The growing trend of life cycle assessment issues is expansion from single environmental thinking (such as carbon footprint), other environmental impact (such as EU Product Environmental Footprint, PEF), economic costs (Life cycle cost, LCC) or social issues (Social life cycle assessment, SLCA) may going to be include in. This project will continue to focus its development, and to make policy recommendations, proposed some suggestion as short-term and mid-term task-integrated policy through precious opinion and advice between experts.The significant results are summarized as follows:1.Data separate into 2 types of CFP emission database (quality database, reference database) are recommended. This logic decision method not only reduces the risk of incorrect declaration, but accumulating more CFP quickly. When emission factor is used to make an application for an EPA carbon footprint label, high quality factor have priority to be used. We recommend that the proportion of contribution from reference database in carbon footprint calculating shall less than 30% (Refer to the EU's environmental footprint guide data quality requirements. At least top 70% of the product environmental impact shall be calculated by good quality data).Contribution from any one source of GHG emissions of more than 3% of the anticipated total GHG emissions associated with the product should being calculated by using good or basic data quality emission factors2.We cited original data of carbon footprint emission factors from low carbon building alliance, check the correctness and completeness. Then through expert advice, arrange data update order and successfully upgraded 5 sets of carbon footprint emission factors this year. CFP quantification results in good or basic data quality will be included in quality database, preliminary estimates data quality will be included in reference database.3.We have searched and analyzed several foreign life cycle inventory or carbon footprint database. U.S. NREL Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Database, Australia AUSLCI Database, and some ELCD data have inventory, so the data of these database could be used for localization. Then from each database, trying data localization transforming, and assessing such conversion which may encounter problems including data interpretability, operating time, and data quality grade. Finally, a data localization mechanism (SOP) is proposed, and a list for prospects is made.4.Developing an adapting mechanism (SOP) for the CFP quantification results, which are provided from domestic company. The available emission factors could be rapidly accumulated under maintenance of database quality. Certification is a key process. If it isn't carried out, the emission factor will be collected in reference database. In addition, the way to decide data was collected in reference database or not is by two factors, one is the mass balance in line with -10% to + 20% error, the other is comparing with similar emission factors, the error should be less than 50%.5.We have studied papers of EU Product environmental footprint, life cycle cost (LCC) analysis methods applied to environmental aspects and social life cycle assessment (SLCA), exchanged opinions with experts, and made recommendations. LCC and SLCA are excluded from policy planning, but encourage manufacturers implement. Besides, we recommend that CFP-PCR should adopt EPD-PCR concept. Then the CFP-PCR would guide industry to gradually become familiar with product environmental footprint.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院