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Title 103年度土地品質宣傳推動計畫
Abstract 「土壤與地下水」保育,是一般民眾長期忽略、卻又深受影響的共同課題。不單關乎個人財富的土地買賣價值,土地的健康永續,也影響著未來世世代代的健康與生活。為持續推動土壤及地下水保育及污染整治工作,深耕國內民眾「土地品質即價值」之觀念,建立國人正確的環境保護知識,提醒全民對身處環境應有之責任態度。
EngTitle Land Quality Media Campaigns and Promotion Project
EngAbstract “Soil and ground water” preservation is an issue that has long been neglected yet poses a profound impact on the general public. It is not only simply related to the worth of land traded for one’s personal wealth, the health and sustainability of our land carries a definite impact on the health and lifestyle of our future generations. In an effort to continue with the promotion of soil and ground water preservation and pollution remediation to foster the concept of “land quality = value” for the general populace, thereby helping citizens to acquire relevant knowledge of environmental protection while reminding them that everyone should be accountable for the environment we live in.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 土污基管會
ExecutingOrg 則越廣告行銷有限公司