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Title 103年度紫外線預報系統與儀器校驗實驗室
Abstract 「103年度紫外線預報系統與儀器校驗實驗室」專案計畫 (以下簡稱本計畫) 以提高國內紫外線預報與監測之正確性為任務,年度專案計畫目標如下:一、運轉及維護紫外線指數數值動力預報模式系統。二、維護紫外線監測數值之正確性。三、提供紫外線預報輔助資訊。四、紫外線輻射計校驗品質管理。除了一般作業之外,完成下列工作:紫外線監測系統之觀測資料分析結果顯示:紫外線指數的監測資料有效率相當高,資料也漸趨平穩。午時輻射佔全日輻射量比例冬高夏低的特徵相當清楚;危險級與UVI≧8的出現機率具區域差異與逐年變化特徵。月與月間之天氣氣候變化快速,導致UV輻射也快速變化。2014年上半年月平均UVI統計檢定與過去相比略微降低,下半年則呈現偏高。此外本計畫應用最高溫、日較差、水汽壓、雲量及降水場等氣候參數分析,探討逐月UVI觀測異常的可能原因。進行紫外線監測及預報成效分析。結果顯示:紫外線指數的預測誤差上下變動幅度逐年相近。另外,分析天氣圖和測站氣溫和濕度以及衛星雲圖,探討預報誤差大的個案發生的可能原因以幫助改進UVI預報。為維護UV監測數值之正確性,今年度共完成32台紫外線輻射計校驗(4台UVA和28台UVB)。今年度新增中央氣象局紫外線輻射計(UVB)的備品校驗工作,依年度規劃共完成5顆備品的校驗。本年度計畫依要求完成各項交付之工作內容。於每季提報上一季紫外線監測資料分析報告、儀器校驗狀態及預報分析成果報告、召開討論會議,均有利於瞭解紫外線指數的變化趨勢及預報與監測能力。
EngTitle UV-Index Forecasting System and Instrument Calibration Laboratory
EngAbstract The main task of this project, “UV Forecast System and Monitoring Instrument Calibration Lab.-Fiscal year 103” is to enhance the UV forecast and monitoring ability in Taiwan. The objective of this project are : (1) To maintain and operate the UV Index forecast numerical dynamical model system. (2) To maintain the numerical fidelity of UV monitoring. (3) To provide UV forecast auxiliary information. (4) To execute UV instruments calibration quality control. Beside of operational works, the following jobs have been done:The data of the UV monitoring system is analyzed. It is shown that the ratio of valid data is quite high. The variation of the observation is stable. The proportion of the radiation sustained during noon in daily total amount appears high in winter and low in summer. Probability of UVI larger than hazard –scale as well as UVI≧8 show spatial and inter-annual variability. Climate and weather as well as UVI changed abruptly. The first half of 2014, Taiwan’s UVI showed slightly lower than in the past, the second half showed high, but not significantly. Furthermore, meteorological data such as maximum temperature, diurnal temperature range, vapor pressure, cloudiness, and precipitation have been analyzed to explore the causes of monthly UVI anomalies.UV monitoring and forecast data have analyzed. It is shown that UVI forecast performance is quite stable. Furthermore, in order to improving UVI forecasting, meteorological data such as weather map, station temperature and humidity, as well as satellite image have been studied while forecast is fail.To maintain the correctness of UV monitoring values, UVI Calibration Lab. did the calibration of 32 radiometers (4 UVA and 28 UVB) in this year. In 2014, UVI Calibration Lab. also completed the calibration of 5 radiometers of CWB (CWB’s UVB).All works proposed have been accomplished. The content of the raw data and statistics analyzing result of observations, and UV instrument calibration records have been kept and updated by schedule; held scheduled discussion meetings. All these work helps to enhance the UV forecast and monitoring ability in Taiwan.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 監資處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣大學