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Title 環境中奈米物質量測及特性分析技術開發
Abstract 本計畫針對市售六種奈米銀紡織品及三種含銀噴霧罐進行一系列的微粒逸散特性量測及化學成分分析。在奈米銀紡織品的部分,具有奈米標章的襪子A的銀含量較低(12.63 ± 0.57 μg/g),且均勻分布於整雙襪子;而無標章的襪子B與襪子C的銀含量較高且集中在腳趾部位(2499.10 ± 122.59 與34.42 ± 4.74 μg/g);襪子D僅在腳趾部位的發現銀(2.89 μg/g);毛巾與具有奈米標章的手帕的銀含量分別為8.75與4.73 μg /g。在第1次清洗後,奈米銀紡織品會在清洗水體中釋出較多的金屬,這些釋出的金屬與添加在紡織品中的材料有關。釋出的金屬量會隨著清洗次數增加而逐漸下降。具奈米標章的襪子A經20次清洗後,在空氣微粒逸散數目及水體的金屬釋出量都是所有紡織品中最低的,同時抗菌率仍可以保持90%以上。此外,襪子A的TEM與EDS分析結果顯示銀訊號非常稀少,代表添加在紡織品中的奈米銀微粒,並不會輕易的被磨擦出來。在含銀噴霧的部分,逸散量測結果顯示在這20-60秒內,人體將會有很高的微粒暴露風險。在三種含銀噴霧所產生的質量濃度分布的部分,MOUDI與ELPI的比對結果相近,前者的總質量濃度較後者分別高出8%、6%及8%。噴霧A與B呈現雙峰分布,第一個峰值介於1-3 μm,第二個峰值介於0.18-0.48 μm;而噴霧C則為單峰分布,峰值介於0.29-0.44 μm。本計畫的另一重點工作項目為大氣奈米微粒的數目及質量濃度量測。中山測站奈米微粒數目濃度平均為1.8 ± 1.2×104 #/cm3,微粒數目濃度與NOx及CO相關,主要受到交通排放影響;沙鹿測站平均為8.0 ± 5.4×103 #/cm3,微粒數目濃度與O3較相關但R2值不高,主要受到光化反應及工廠排放影響;斗六測站平均為平均為4.7 ± 1.8×103 #/cm3,微粒數目濃度與SO2較相關,主要受到交通排放與光化反應的影響。本研究使用在上述測站測得的質量濃度及數目濃度,計算微粒有效密度(ρeff),再利用計算出來的有效密度將過去3年本團隊在中山、新莊及竹東測站以MOUDI所量測的質量濃度轉換成數目及表面積濃度,結果顯示台灣北部地區PM0.1/PM2.5質量濃度比率雖低(7.9 ± 4.4 %),但數目濃度的比率則高達89.0 ± 5.5 %,而與人體健康最具相關性的表面積比率佔42.1 ± 12.8 %,因此可知PM0.1在人體健康效應的影響上不容忽視。微米微粒量測的部分,APS (Aerodynamic particle sizer, Model 3321, TSI Incorporated, USA)因偵測下限較大(0.5 μm),小於0.7 μm的微粒偵測效率較低,造成量測到的微粒總數目濃度較OPC (Optical particle counter, Model 1.108, GRIMM technology inc., USA)低。質量比對結果顯示,PM2.5手動採樣器PQ-200(BGI Inc., USA)與DustTrak (DustTrak DRX 8533, TSI Incorporated, USA)有良好的相關性(R2= 0.70),而即時儀器間的比對以DustTrak與OPC相關性最高(R2= 0.82)。本研究在交大校園及中山測站針對大氣PM2.5的水溶性離子及前驅酸鹼氣體即時監測之可行性進行評估。結果發現平行平板濕式分離器-液膜微粒採樣器(Parallel plate wet denuder particle-into-liquid sampler, PPWD-PILS)和手動採樣器 (Porous metal denuder sampler, PDS)於前驅氣體及微粒水溶性離子濃度比對結果良好,顯示兩種儀器具有良好的相關性(R2 > 0.75)。由微粒中主要的水溶性離子(NH4+、SO42-及NO3-)濃度推估中山測站、交通大學及竹東測站大氣中PM2.5無機鹽成分的主要形式為NH4NO3及(NH4)2SO4。在微粒質量濃度連續監測的部分,交大PM2.5成分以無機鹽類為主(佔54.0 ± 9.5%),屬於存於空氣中較久且吸附較多無機鹽類的高齡微粒;中山測站量測到的OM與EC的平均濃度均高於交通大學,交通污染源為OM與EC的主要貢獻來源。在竹東的採樣期間受東北季風的影響,PM2.5,F(b-r)濃度變化大,風花圖顯示污染物大多來自東北方。此外,計算OC/EC比值顯示石化燃料燃燒與交通排放為竹東OM與EC的貢獻源。
EngTitle Development of analytical tools for measuring and characterizing nanomaterials in the environment
EngAbstract The particle emission characteristics and chemical components of six kinds of textiles containing silver nanoparticles and three kinds of silver nano-sprays were tested in the present study. For the textiles containing silver nanoparticles, the sock A with nanoMark contains low silver nanoparticle concentration of 12.63 ± 0.57 μg/g, which were distributed uniformly within the whole sock. The sock B and C without nanoMark contain higher silver nanoparticle concentration of 2499.10 ± 122.59 and 34.42 ± 4.74 μg/g, respectively, as comparted with the sock A, in which the silver nanoparticles were concentrated on toes’ spot. The silver nanoparticle concentration in the sock D was only observed on the toes’ spot of 2.89 μg/g. The towels and the handkerchief with nanoMark contain 8.75 and 4.73 μg /g silver nanoparticle concentration, respectively. After the first washing, textiles containing silver nanoparticles were found to release more metals related to the materials added in the textiles, as compared to the tested socks, towels and handkerchiefs. The released metal concentrations decreased with increasing times of washing. After 20 times of washing, the sock A emitted the lowest particle concentration and released the lowest metal concentration among the all textiles. Besides, according to the results analyzed by TEM and EDS, the silver signal is very low, suggesting that the silver nanoparticles added in the sock A is not easy to be emitted by rubbing.For the nano-sprays containing silver, the experimental results show that risk of nanoparticle exposure for human body is very high within 20 to 60 seconds emission test. The mass concentration distributions of three nano-sprays containing silver measured by MOUDI were slightly higher than those measured by ELPI of 8, 6 and 8 %. The mass concentration distributions of nano-sprays A and B showed bimodal distributions, in which the first peak was located between 1-3 μm and the second peak was located between 0.18-0.48 μm. Nano-sprays C shows single modal mass concentration distribution with peak in the size range between 0.29-0.44 μm.Another work item in this project is to measure the number concentration and mass concentration distribution of atmospheric nanoparticles. The average number concentration measured in the Zhongshan site was 1.8 ± 1.2×104 #/cm3, which highly correlated with NOx and CO influenced by traffic emissions. The average number concentration was 8.0 ± 5.4×103 #/cm3 in Shalu site, which slightly correlated with O3 concentration influenced by photochemical reaction and industries emissions. The average number concentration was measured to be 4.7 ± 1.8×103 #/cm3 in Douliou site and the correlation between SO2 concentration and the average number concentration is high due to traffic emissions and photochemical reaction. Based on the number and mass concentration measured in the sampling as the aforementioned, the effective density was calculated to convert the mass concentration measured by MOUDI into number concentration and surface concentration. The results showed that although the mass ratio of PM0.1/PM2.5 of 7.9 ± 4.4 % was low, the number concentration ratio of PM0.1/PM2.5 was 89.0 ± 5.5 %, and the surface concentration ratio was 42.1 ± 12.8 %. Therefore, we should pay attention to the adverse effect of PM0.1 on human health. The experimental results showed that the submicron particle number concentration measured by APS (Aerodynamic particle sizer, Model 3321, TSI Incorporated, USA) was lower than those measured by OPC (Optical particle counter, Model 1.108, GRIMM technology inc., USA) because the APS detection efficiency for particles with size smaller than 0.7 μm is low. Besides, the mass concentration measured by PM2.5 manual sampler PQ-200 (BGI Inc., USA) was highly correlated with those measured by DustTrak (DustTrak DRX 8533, TSI Incorporated, USA) (R2= 0.70). The correlation of real-time mass concentration measured by DustTrak and by OPC is high with R2 of 0.82。In this study, the applicability of the real-time measurement of atmospheric PM2.5 water soluble ions and trace acidic and basic gases concentration was investigated. The results showed that the atmospheric PM2.5 water soluble ions and trace acidic and basic gases concentrations measured by Parallel plate wet denuder particle-into-liquid sampler (PPWD-PILS) were in good agreement with those measured by Porous metal denuder sampler (PDS) with R2 > 0.75. In NCTU and Zhudong, NH4NO3 and (NH4)2SO4 were measured to be the main components of the PM2.5 inorganic salts. Inorganic salts in NCTU accounted for 54.0 ± 9.5% of PM2.5, which were highly aged aerosols. OM and EC measured to be higher than those in NCTU were mainly came from traffic emissions. PM2.5 concentration in Zhudong varied significantly, which mainly came from north-eastern side transported by north-eastern monsoon. The OC/EC ratio suggested the OM and EC in Zhudong were mainly attributed to combustion of fussil fuel.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立交通大學環境工程研究所