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Title 高科技產業放流水之生物效應評估及鑑識(2/4)-有機污染物
Abstract 本研究建立高科技產業放流水用之生物毒性鑑定評估程序,有效確認具生物毒性真實水樣之毒性物質為金屬銅離子,另添加有機污染物(四甲基氫氧化銨及4-氯酚)及重金屬污染物(硫酸銅),製備具生物毒性之人工水樣,經相關物化處理後,可明確分辨及鑑定其毒性物質,證實計畫建立之高科技產業放流水之生物毒性鑑定評估程序的可行性。選用十二烷基硫酸鈉(SDS)為參考毒物,評估日本青鱂魚執行淡水及海水水質生物急毒性之可行性。試驗所用青鱂魚於參考毒物試驗前須馴養在相同鹽度海水中,且為1.0 ± 0.2cm之幼魚。在淡水中使用SDS 參考毒物之5次96hr-LC50平均值為31.93 mg/L,CV值為4.39 %。在海水中之96hr-LC5 0值隨海水鹽度增加而降低,表示在較高鹽度下,青鱂魚對SDS的耐受度會降低,但與自行調配之人工海水測值相近。顯示日本青鱂魚可被馴化於海水中,並做為淡水及海水水質生物急毒性物種。選擇短角異劍水蚤作為無脊椎生物檢測海水水質生物急毒性之可行性探討,以SDS做為參考毒物,執行5次參考毒物試驗,SDS 48hr-LC50平均值為29.09 mg/L,CV值為4.28%;比較人工海水及自然海水之SDS毒性差異時,發現其48 小時LC50差異性小,比較人工海水及自然海水之SDS毒性差異時,發現其48hr-LC50差異性變化範圍差距小,且具有易於實驗室養殖及不受季節影響等因素,可做為檢測海水生物急毒性物種。
EngTitle The study of biological toxicity evaluations and characteristics in high-tech industry effluent (2/4
EngAbstract This study establishes the toxicity identification evaluation (TIE) procedure for use in high-tech industry effluents. The procedure was effectively used to confirm metal ions as the toxicant in toxic real aqueous sample. Toxic and artificial aqueous samples prepared by adding organic pollutant (tetramethyl ammonium hydroxide, 4- chlorophenol) and metal pollutant (copper sulfate) were subjected to relevant physico-chemical treatment procedures first. The toxicants were correctly identified and confirmed thereafter. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using the established TIE procedure in high-tech industrial effluents.We used sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) as reference toxicant to evaluate the feasibility of using Japanese medaka fish for testing freshwater and seawater toxicity. The 96hr-LC50 average was 31.93 mg/L with 4.39% CV (n=5). Before testing, all medaka fish have to be domesticated in seawater with similar salinity to become 1.0 ± 0.2cm larva. The LC50 value decreases with increased salinity of seawater, indicating that in higher salinity the Medaka fish tolerance to SDS was reduced. However, similar 96hr-LC50 values were observed in both natural and artificial sea water spiked with SDS as reference toxicant. The results demonstrate the feasibility of using Japanese medaka fish for testing freshwater and seawater toxicity. We used SDS as reference toxicant to evaluate the feasibility of using Apocyclops royi invertebrate for testing seawater toxicity. The 48hr-LC50 average was 29.09 mg/L with 4.28% CV (n=5). The 48hr-LC50 difference due to SDS is small between the natural and artificial seawaters. The Apocyclops royi, possessing the advantages of easy culturing in laboratory and independent of seasonal effects, is feasible for testing seawater toxicity.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立清華大學