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Title 清淨家園全民運動顧厝邊部落格綠色生活(Eco Life)網成效提升計畫
Abstract 本計畫已增設系統異常事件監控作業以持續維護綠網運作:每月定期監控且提交系統異常記錄報告。配合個資安全保護作業,已隱藏所有身分證號碼記錄欄位及加密資料庫個人敏感資料。已完成整潔度評比修正與照顧區管理系統修正。已完成Google Map API、全國村里邊界圖資及微軟的重大更新等作業;定期執行系統磁碟的病毒及壞軌掃描。
EngTitle Eco Life Website Effectiveness Enhancement Project
EngAbstract System Abnormal Events Surveillance was established to continuously maintain the operation of EcoLife website; regular monthly surveillance and reports of system abnormal records had been conducted. In response to personal data security protection, ID Number recording columns had been concealed and personal sensitive information had been encrypted. The correction of cleanness evaluation and the correction of the management system of bloggers’ caring areas had been completed. Tasks including Google Map API, Taiwan Villages/Townships Boundary Mapping Information, and Microsoft critical update had been done; regular scanning of system disk virus and bad tracks had been conducted; System database MS SQL2008 R2 and Google Map V3 had been upgraded.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司