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Title 「開發行為噪音、振動評估審核機制之研究」計畫
Abstract 基於國家長期發展利益,環境保護與經濟發展應兼籌並顧,行政院環境保護署於民國83年12月公布「環境影響評估法」,施行至今已十幾年,已歷經3次修訂,對於環境保護發揮了應有的作用,在規劃階段應同時考量環境因素,以達永續發展之目標。有鑑於此,環保署乃研擬「開發行為噪音、振動評估審核機制之研究」計畫,期能經由現場調查進行音源與噪音管制標準之比較分析,並透過噪音、振動評估程序說明會,說明未來進行開發行為噪音、振動評估時所需提供之相關資料,完成開發行為噪音、振動評估審核機制之建立。
EngTitle The study of the reviewing process of the noise and vibration issues of development projects
EngAbstract For the purpose of balancing long term development interest and the environmental protection issues, the EPA of Taiwan has published the “Environmental Impact Assessing Law” in December of 1994 and has gone through 3 revisions. And this law now has profound impact on the protect of the environment.And this project called “The study of the reviewing process of the noise and vibration issues of development projects” is aimed to set up a standard reviewing procedure for the noise and vibration issues raised in the development process. It includes SOP noise and vibration assessment and SOP for the reviewing process.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 空保處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺灣海洋大學振動噪音工程研究中心