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Title 奈米微粒細胞毒性系統之建立及驗證
Abstract 全球奈米科技正如火如荼的發展,雖然此尖端科技在各個領域上開拓新的希望、應用價值與新興產品,然而這些具有奈米結構的物質,其本身的化學性質與物理性質,會隨著粒徑大小的不同而有所變化,對人體的毒性危害或影響也可能有所改變,因此對於安全衛生環保亦將可能產生重大的衝擊。本研究團隊在去年度的計劃中建立以細胞電阻檢測法為奈米物質的細胞毒性之篩選平台,此項新的檢測方法,可以免除一般傳統細胞毒性測試方法之染劑或指示劑的使用,進而降低其與奈米物質干擾所產生之不一致結果,並可發展更穩定、快速及可測試大量奈米微粒樣品的毒性篩選平台。今年度的計劃持續以細胞電阻檢測法為細胞毒性篩選平台,進行以數種不同細胞株暴露於奈米零價鐵下,細胞生長的動態變化:也將利用數種技術,如電子顯微鏡等分析奈米零價鐵之特性;並以流式細胞儀檢測奈米零價鐵對細胞的生物功能影響,如細胞內吞奈米微粒的數量、氧化壓力的改變、細胞凋亡的比率等。此外,配合環境監測所取得的細懸浮微粒PM2.5,也會建立以細胞電阻檢測法監測空氣中細懸浮微粒PM2.5對細胞生長的影響及細胞功能的傷害程度與變化,期能早期反應環境改變而制定出適當的標準,將生物傷害程度降至最低。
EngTitle Establishment and validation of an in vitro cytotoxicity assessment of nanoparticle exposure
EngAbstract Nanomaterials have received considerable recent attention because of their unique properties and diverse applications in technology and life sciences. However, the nano-structures of these materials possess very different physical and chemical properties compared to their larger size counterparts. Given the increasing use of nanoparticles in a range of products, it has become crucial to develop a fundamental understanding of the biological effects of nanoparticle exposure. Many in vitro studies have suggested that nanoparticles are cytotoxic and genotoxic; however, results are inconsistent, mainly due to interference between nanoparticles and dye molecules commonly used in traditional cytotoxicity assays. The purpose of this study was to establish and validate an in vitro cytotoxicity screening platform for evaluating biological effects of nanoscale zero-valent iron. In addition, the characterization of nanoparticles will be examined by TEM/SEM. Moreover, the effect of PM2.5 particles, fine particles 2.5 micrometers or less in size will be examined using the cell impedance measurement and flow cytometry.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 國立中興大學