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Title 103年環境保護許可系統、事業廢棄物申報管理系統及清運機具監控系統管理專案計畫
Abstract 本計畫依計畫目標共執行91項(未含提供4名人力支援)工作項目,依工作屬性可分為管理制度研析、系統功能新增與提升、統計資料彙整提供、例行系統維運與行政支援等4大類型。除已完成共4項廢棄物代碼名稱及定義檢討外,另亦完成清運機具管制範疇之研析,及先行完成後續GPS車機設備結合行車紀錄器之規劃,逐步運用科技工具協助提升管理能量。更持續提供事業廢棄物各項申報資料之統計彙整,除依合約要求完成1次年報匯整、17次共15類管理軸向等作業外,亦協助環保署及外部單位完成23件申報數據統計分析作業。
EngTitle Integration of Environmental Protection Permitting system,and online Management and Monitoring Funct
EngAbstract This plan is divided into 91 working items (excluding 4 manpower supports) in accordance with scheduled target, and into 4 major types in accordance with work properties including management system analysis, additional and improved system function, compiled statistical data, routine system maintenance and administrative support. Key points of executive achievement are as follows: In addition to the review of 4 waste code name and definition completed in this plan, analysis of collection machine control scope has been completed and the subsequent plan of GPS vehicle equipment in combination with event data recorder is first completed to promote management energy by gradually applying technological tools, causing industrial waste management system to be more in line with practical operation in this year (2014). Regarding waste collection proposal and internet declaration announcement are now reviewed by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this plan has completed amendatory operation for EMS and IWR&MS functions according to the contents of announced provisions being determined to revise; meanwhile, this plan also completed planning the relevant system function correction in the submission to EPA after continuously rolling modification based on EPA’s analysis direction, which is to ensure the operation of system and regulations in synchronism. Additionally, this plan still keeps providing industrial waste with statistical summary for various declarations. Besides 1 annual report and 17 operations totaling 15 kinds of managements as required by agreement, this plan also assists EPA to complete statistical analysis for 23 declaration data.As regards to system maintenance and administrative support, this plan also completed 5 sessions of business presentation and 1 session of international communication meeting for Taiwan-Japan-Korea as well as at least more than 258 temporary demands other than regular database scheduling, backups maintenance confirmation and system rebooting, etc.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司