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Title 海洋污染緊急應變科學支援暨監控專案工作計畫
Abstract 本(103)年度計畫欲藉具有國際公信力的美國ASA公司的專業溢油模擬軟體(OILmap)、化學品擴散模擬軟體(CHEMmap),配合臺灣地區海域觀測與數值模擬之風場、流場及地理資訊等相關資料,提供海洋溢油、化學品洩漏之軌跡模擬。並將結果提供環保署作為決策的參考與依據。計畫執行期間24小時待命,在接獲環保署緊急海洋污染通報後,於指定時間內製作出模擬與分析報告,提供環保署擬定應變處置策略,並在應變結束前,每日持續製作出污染擴散報告。另外,利用挪威MIROS公司所發展的雷達偵測油污、波浪、海流系統(Oil Spill Detection system,OSD),協助獲取即時海氣象資料,此系統架設於8.5公噸的卡車上,可針對海域突發溢油事件於最短時間到達現場,進行事故地點3至8公里範圍內之油污、波浪、海流、風速、風向等資料進行即時偵測,同時亦能立即顯示海面上油污的位置,並預測短期內油污漂移的速度與方向。OSD系統偵測的各項即時環境資料,亦可作為輸入OILmap與CHEMmap模擬之環境參數,以提昇油污染與化學品污染擴散模擬的準確度,模式模擬結果可立即提供環保署及相關單位緊急應變與指揮的參考。另依據化學品模擬結果與風場條件,提供環保署及相關單位應變處理建議及諮詢服務;包括熱區、冷區範圍劃定與應變人員防護與警戒處理方式等,以利事故發生時作為緊急應變指揮參考。整體計畫執行成果(油及化學品污染模擬)均依規定方式整合至環保署現行「海洋污染防治管理系統」,提供環保署海洋污染緊急應變科學支援及監控平台。計畫期間,亦針對環保署指定海域設置一處水質監測站,實施海域水質連續且即時監測,可隨時掌握當地海域水質狀況。若有任何污染事件發生,能立即通報環保署及相關單位,以進行適當的處理;監測結果也能評估海水水質的長期變化趨勢,並為制定污染管制策略提供重要的依據。
EngTitle Scientific Support and Monitoring for Marine Pollution Emergency Response
EngAbstract The plan of year 2014 is to run the oil spill and chemical dispersion simulation modeling software, based on the well-known Applied Science Associates product, with the related information on water region of Taiwan; and to provide the contaminants track for the right commands in urgent situations. After receiving emergency marine Pollution Bulletin from the EPA, the analysis reports are established within the specified time -24hours a day –in order to provide EPA as a reference during project execution. Another application is to use OSD (Oil Spill Detection system) developed by the Norway MIROS, to install into radar for detecting the oil spill, waves, currents system during sudden spill event. It also instantly detects the mobility of oil pollution, waves, currents, and wind speed/direction observations. With the detection range of 3-8 km, this system not only can instantly displays the locations of the oil spills, but also can predict the speed and direction of short-term oil spill drift. The real-time data detected by OSD system can be used as input parameters of the OILmap software as well as CHEMmap software for enhancing the accuracy of the oil pollution and chemical pollution dispersion models. Two major goals of these results are to integrate these applications for 「MARINE POLLUTION PREVENTION SYSTEM」 as well as to provide a scientific foundation for EPA to establish programs of numerical simulation on emergency contamination in the ocean. During the project, with the implementations of real-time continuous monitoring systems on water quality in marine area or even in occurred significant pollution regions, we can track the changes of seawater quality. If a pollution incident occurs, the warning signals will be informed automatically and the acquired observations from monitoring systems can be used to evaluate the trends of seawater at that moment. Not only this, the acquired information also provides us an important foundation for the development of marine pollution control strategies.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 國立高雄海洋科技大學(海岸水與環境中心)