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Title 103年環境影響評估河川水質評估模式技術支援計畫
Abstract   環境影響評估河川水質評估模式技術規範自101年3月1日生效,為支援行政院環保署審查開發單位所提開發行為環境影響評估案件之河川水質評估模式模擬結果,審查確認模式模擬書件品質,以協助環保署環評審查委員審酌確定開發行為放流水對河川水體可能影響的風險評估大小,納為後續風險管理決策參考,以達保護河川環境之目的。本計畫主要成果包含:(一)篩選環評書件查詢系統所列審查中開發案件19件,提出模式模擬審查意見。(二)彙整分析技術規範施行3年來個案河川水質模式模擬結果、對審查判斷之幫助及檢討建議。(三)整合提供環境影響評估河川水質評估模式技術所須背景輸入或參數資料。(四)辦理經驗交流會議,廣徵專家學者、地方政府、開發單位及顧問公司等各方意見,作為後續技術規範推動或修訂參考。
EngTitle Plan of technical support on environmental impact assessment for river water quality
EngAbstract The purpose of this study is to assist Taiwan EPA in reviewing the report of environmental impact assessment (EIA) on the section of receiving water quality modeling. Four main tasks are conducted to provide technological support in examining the results of Water Quality Modeling which is used in the assessment of surface water quality. The tasks include: (a) reviewing at least 19 EIA reports, (b) evaluating the performance of the four models (HSPF/BASINS, SWMM, WASP, and Qual2k) which were applied in EIA cases, (c) holding a workshop to discuss Water Quality Modeling, and (d) providing suggestions for revising the guideline of Water Quality Modeling. In 2014, all of the water quality models (e.g. HSPF/BASINS, SWMM, WASP, Qual2k, and mass balance method) which listed in guideline of Water Quality Modeling are used in project development as EIA report process. Five EIA cases assessed by the complex models (HSPF/BASINS, SWMM, WASP and Qual2k), ten EIA cases used mass balance method and four cases assessed by water quality effluent standard. The five water quality models (HSPF/BASINS, SWMM, WASP, Qual2k and mass balance method) are evaluated for their capability and applicability to the application of EIA cases. The results indicate that simulation of the four models can obtain comparable results under well fit of the process of calibration and confirmation. The location of water quality data collection also affects the result by using the mass balance method. Finally, several suggestions might help in the future. This study recommends that government agencies should work with institute (e.g. WERC, Water Environment Research Centre) to revise the modeling guideline or implement models for EIA case applications. Moreover, the institute could play critical role in archiving models and data, maintaining and upgrading them for future applications. The modeling workshop should place frequently to emphasis on modeler education; guideline for model assessment should be developed.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 國立臺北科技大學