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Title 資源循環再利用政策宣傳(導)與包裝輕量化專案計畫
Abstract 本計畫協助環保署彙整歷年廢棄物管理相關宣傳成果,完成影音數位帶轉檔進行系統化整理及保存,同時檢討並分析歷年宣傳活動辦理成效,透過會議調查討論,確立重點宣傳活動,據以擬定年度政策宣傳(導)計畫。本計畫辦理「2014臺灣國際綠色產業-搖籃到搖籃」、「源頭減量新趨勢邁向永續零廢棄系列活動」、「辦理重點政策記者會-包裝輕量化 地球少負擔記者會」、「源頭管理相關政策之宣傳規劃與執行-製作成果影片」以及針對「重要議題文宣刊登2則全版廣告」等,已達到廢棄物管理政策之宣傳及大眾參與之目的。此外,為推廣包裝輕量化政策,輔導「業者推動包裝輕量化及綠色設計工作」、追蹤「志願性減量協議簽署業者之減量成效」、研發「包裝輕量化範例」、辦理「包裝檢驗工作及法令檢討」以及編撰「包裝輕量化專刊」,為了提升執行成效,將各項工作進行整合,透過系列活動推廣達到國際交流的目的,有助於提升全民包裝輕量化觀念的宣傳(導)及源頭減量政策的行銷。本計畫協助環保署維護及更新「限制產品過度包裝網站」、研擬「餐飲業及夜市免洗餐具減量方案」及辦理相關宣導活動規劃等行政作業。此外,更協助辦理臨時性或緊急性議題的因應作業,如摺頁及簡報等相關政策文宣的製作,以作為日後成果展現之依據,供日後政策宣傳使用。
EngTitle Resource Recycling Reuse Promotion Policy and Green Package Project
EngAbstract We plan to assist Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in aggregating performance of promotional results pertaining to historical waste management, achieving video/audio digital tape conversion for systematic organization and storage, while reviewing and analyzing effects of campaigns over the past years in this program; we also plan to investigate and discuss it via meetings and further confirm focus of campaigns to develop annual policy campaign (promulgation) program.We have organized “2014 Taiwan International Green Industry – Cradle to Cradle”, “New Trendy Source Reduction to Sustainable Free of Waste Event”, “Focus Policy Press Release – Light Package for Less Burdens of Earth”, “Campaigns for Policies as to Source Management and Execution – Video Play of Performance” and “two full-size advertisements for key issues” and other activities that we have achieved purposes of promoting management policy of wastes and public engagement.In addition, we have guided “operators to facilitate light package and green design”, tracked “effect of contractors’ voluntary reduction”, developed “example of light package”, held “package examination and review of law” and compiled “Light Package Column”; we have integrated a variety of tasks to improve performed effect; we also have achieved purposes of international exchange through versified campaigns, which is helpful to the improvement of promotion (promulgation) in public concept of light package and marketing policy on source reduction.We assist Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) in maintaining and updating “Banned Product for Excessive Package Website”, developing “Initiative of Reducing Disposable Tableware in Restaurant Industry and Night Market” and execute administrative operation including but not limited to related campaigns. What is more, we even have assisted in the response to temporary or emergent issues such as production of policy materials including but not limited to flap and brief for presentation of performance and references of new policy campaigns.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 晶淨科技股份有限公司