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Title 懸浮微粒污染源特徵指標技術之建置與評析
Abstract 本計畫針對電力業、鋼鐵業、水泥業及石油煉製業排放之顆粒物進行元素特徵分析,研究期程內共選擇13家廠商進行排放管道(共計17根次)所排放顆粒物採樣分析,以及13廠周界粒狀物、30種原物料及17種集塵灰(含2種底渣)的採樣分析。根據感應耦合電漿質譜儀(Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry, ICP-MS)分析結果,探討其成分特性、建立元素組成源譜、評估較佳元素特徵比值以及計算排放管道及逸散源排放係數。結果顯示四種工業(不論其製程)之煙道顆粒物普遍富集之元素,包括Se、Tl、Ga、As、Pb、Zn、Cd、Sn、Sb及Ge,這些元素皆屬揮發性較強者,亦屬Chalcophile(親硫性)元素,然其富集程度在個別產業有差別。個別產業污染顆粒之特徵指標元素,例如燃煤電廠的As、Se與Ge,鋼鐵廠電弧爐製程Fe、Mn、Pb、Cr、Zn、及Sn,鋼鐵廠煉焦製程Ca及Ba,鋼鐵廠燒結製程K、Cd、Rb及Cs,水泥廠生料製程Ca、Sr、Ti、Tl及Cs,水泥熟料Ca、Tl及Cs,石油煉製(重油燃燒)Co、Sb、Ni、V、La及P,石油煉製(觸媒裂解)La、Ce及Nd;另外,倘若特別貧乏者亦有潛力作為指標特徵,例如水泥業之Na。大致而言,燃煤電廠及鋼鐵廠之煙道顆粒與其集塵灰元素成分相似。燃煤電廠煙道顆粒物雖有許多富集元素,然其元素間比值多與地殼組成或其他污染排放源者接近,不易做為特徵比值,唯有As/Se及Se/Ti合併使用。鋼鐵廠顆粒物具有許多明確特徵比值,多與不銹鋼金屬(如Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu、Cr及Ni)相關,如鋼鐵業電弧爐Fe/Al、Mn/Ti、Cu/Ba、Zn/Cu、Cr/Ti及Cr/Ni,鋼鐵業燒結的Rb/K。水泥業排放顆粒中除Ca含量高外,特別醒目特徵是Tl(尤其生料製程),不論其含量、排放濃度及EF值(達104),意味著其極適合應用為水泥業特徵比值,包含Tl/Ca、Tl/Se、Tl/As、Tl/Ga、Rb/Cs;另這也意味著水泥業或為大氣中Tl的最重要排放源,但因其毒性強,故其沈降對廠區下風處之居民及環境生態可能衝擊,值得關注。至於煉油業的部份,在重油燃燒製程上,潛力特徵比值包含Co/Ti、Ni/Ti、Cu/Sb,Ni及V亦是重要重油燃燒源之指標元素,較特別的是V/Ni比值(0.19)遠比國外文獻中(2-3)甚低,是否由於石油提煉中有否添加Ni,值得進一步瞭解;另一特別是Co的含量相當高,這是過去鮮為所知的特徵。而倘若煉油製程為觸媒裂解,則La/Ce及La/Nd可當作特徵。然而,將本研究之結果與美國SPECIATE 4.4比較,發現國內外相同的污染業別(或相同製程)其元素特徵差異明顯,突顯建立本土污染源元素特徵的重要性。另外值得注意的是,根據排放管道及逸散源排放係數推估結果,此四大行業的煙道排放顆粒量遠大於逸散量。最後利用本研究所建立的排放源資料庫配合桃園及竹東地區大氣懸浮微粒之採樣結果,推估此兩地區大氣微粒之污染來源,結果顯示桃園地區微粒之污染源包括塵土(28 %)、交通(22 %)、燃煤電廠(17 %)、鋼鐵業(13 %)、水泥業(10 %)及石化業(10 %),而竹東地區則以塵土為最(40 %)、其次依序為交通(34 %)、水泥業(16 %)、石化業(6 %)及鋼鐵業(4 %)。
EngTitle Develope and evaluate the characteristic index of particulate matter source
EngAbstract The purpose of this study is to establish the source profiles and fingerprinters of particulate matters (PM) emitted from various major stationary pollution sources in Taiwan, including power plant, steel manufacturing, cement mill/clinker and petroleum refining. To achieve this goal, PM of aerodynamic diameter less than 100 m (total particulate matter, TSP) emitted from 13 eligible plants were collected isokinetically using an in-stack sampling device. The ambient TSP in the surrounding air of these plants was also simultaneously measured in order to estimate the fugitive emissions. The target metals in all aerosol samples were analyzed by ICP-MS. The result shows that the major elements such as Al, Fe, Na, Mg, K and Ca emitted from all the stacks were very similar; however, abundance of Ca, Fe, K were, respectively, found in cement mills/clinkers, steel arc and steel sintering. It is also found that some trace metals such as As, Se and Ge (coal power plant), K, Fe, Mn, Pb, Zn, Cr and Sn (steel plant), Ca, Sr, Ti, Tl and Cs (cement mill), Co, Ni, V, Sb, La and P (heavy oil burning) along with La, Nd and Ce (petroleum refining) could be regarded as tracers for the specific sources. High enrichment factor (EF) values for Se, Tl, Ga, As, Pb, Zn, Cd, Sn, Sb and Ge in all sources indicate that these elements were profoundly from anthropogenic origins. Furthermore, we constructed some fingerprinting ratios in different sources: (1)As/Se and Se/Ti for power plants; (2)Fe/Al, Mn/Ti, Cu/Ba, Zn/Cu, Cr/Ti along with Cr/Ni for steel arc; (3)Rb/K in steel sintering; (4) Tl/Ca, Tl/Se, Tl/As, Tl/Ga and Rb/Cs for cement plant; (5) Co/Ti, Ni/Ti and Cu/Sb for heavy oil combustion; (6)La/Ce and La/Nd for petroleum refining. The specific ratio will be a powerful tool to qualitatively identify the pollution sources of atmospheric PM. The result for emission factor reflects that the emissions of PM from stack were much higher than those from fugitive process in all stationary sources. Finally, the source profiles were employed to assess the source apportionments of atmospheric primary PM at Taoyuan and Zhudong sampling sites. At Taoyuan sampling sites, soil dust (28 %) was the predominant source of primary PM, followed by traffic emissions (22 %), power plant (17 %), steel manufacturing (13 %), cement mills (10 %) and petroleum refining (10 %). For Zhudong sites, soil dust (40 %) contributes largest fractions of airborne primary PM, followed by vehicle fleets (34 %), cement mills (16 %), petroleum refinery (6 %) and steel plants (4 %).
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環檢所
ExecutingOrg 中央研究院環境變遷研究中心