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Title 103年度高雄市資源回收形象改造工作計畫
Abstract 針對高雄市轄內回收體系中里、社區回收站及個體業者等實施形象改造,並透過宣導活動及媒體等宣導方式,推動校園、社區、偏遠地區及港口船舶等辦理資源回收工作。
EngTitle image limproving
EngAbstract Recycling system for the jurisdiction in Kaohsiung, community and individual operators such as the Recycle Bin implement image transformation, and through advocacy activities and media advocacy approach, promoting the campus, community, and other remote areas and port handling ship recycling work.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 高雄市政府環境保護局
ExecutingOrg 綠信環境科技股份有限公司