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Title 事業廢水檢測申報許可管理及資料庫維護管理計畫
Abstract 本計畫主要工作內容及專案成果,在事業廢水法制面之研修,除針對「水污染防治法」進行草案條文研擬外,並因應增(修)規定,檢討規劃不法利得核算及推估、水污基金收支、保管及運用方式、違反水污染防治法罰鍰額度裁罰準則等配套重點。另配合環保專責(技術)人員訓練法令之整合,研擬廢(污)水專責單位或人員設置及管理辦法草案,並研析水污染許可及定檢申報代理申請(報)之管理機制。在事業廢水管理部分,本計畫協助檢討水污染防治措施計畫及許可申請文件審查指引,並輔導重大違規對象完成自動監測(視)及連線傳輸設施設置。另辦理2批次污泥申報異常名單篩選與彙整地方主管機關確認回報情形,並完成委託代操作資料勾稽預警報表,及新增港口區域污染預防及削減計畫管理系統。除了行政管制措施之研析外,在系統面之應用面,加強系統內部資料庫異常分析比對,並配合環保署空水廢毒之整合作業,協助完成資訊管理系統之功能提升。另為提升系統應用功能,完成複合查詢運用介面友善度提昇之改版作業,並配合EEMS系統增修處分後續處理資料管理運用功能。最後並協助完成各項行政作業之推動,辦理水污染考核與各項宣導說明會議,編製事業廢水管理電子季刊與回覆民眾電子郵件等。
EngTitle The Industrial Wastewater Management and Database Maintenance Project
EngAbstract The aim of this project is to amend wastewater regulations system, which includes review and draft “Water Pollution Control Act”. In order to response to additional articles, this project review and plan the accounting of illegal gains, revenue and expenditure of water pollution fund and violation fines calculating. Moreover, in order to integrate the regulations of training the technical personnel, the project develop the management regulation for wastewater exclusive personnel and agents management measure for application of wastewater pollution permit and testing report.In the part of industrial wastewater management, this project assists to review the revision guidelines of water pollution control measures plan and permit application, also guide the violation businesses to setting CWMS. Moreover, the project screening the abnormal data from sludge report and check with local government, analyze the data from commissioned operator to provide the warning report, and add the management system for port water pollution prevention and pollutant reduction plan.For application of wastewater information database systems, this project has strengthened the functions of abnormal data analysis and improve the function of information management system with EPA’s integration work of air, water, wastes and toxics management system. Moreover, in order to enhance the function of systems, the project provide composite search function and management function for subsequent processing of punishment data. Finally, the project also helps EPA to publicize water pollution control policy and regulations, conduct the water pollution examination and explanation conferences, compile industrial wastewater management E-newsletter and reply public inquire or request by email.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司