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Title 103年度綠色消費推廣計畫
Abstract 綠色消費宣傳及綠色採購推動計畫,為鏈結民間企業及團體、商店、志義工、學校機關、旅宿業者、婚禮業者、餐飲業者等對象設計出之多元化宣導與執行規劃之推動計畫,以鼓勵民眾優先選購具有環保標章的綠色商品或服務,落實生活簡約原則,成為綠色消費達人。本計畫之重要工作效益包括:(一)完成79家業者實施行銷力評鑑,較去年21家成長276%,且獲得績優綠色商店獎項的業者達16家,活動期間參與人數達249.4萬人次;(二)完成種子講師培訓營7場次,參與人數372人,共發出312份訓練證明,合格率達82.3%;(三)結合10個縣市1,048家綠色商店辦理綠色消費宣傳活動11.6萬人次參與;(四)培訓種子人員推廣綠色消費,其中環保旅店達733家較去年602家成長21.8%、星級環保餐館達189家較去年135家成長40%、綠色婚禮供應鏈業者達292家較去年215家成長35.8%;(五)輔導9家業者申請環保標章,並完成至少5家業者提出申請,且協助旅館業、旅行業及平版印刷業取得環保標章,餐館業、汽車租賃業則已提出線上申請,且業者取得環保標章後辦理行銷活動之效益達20.7萬人次;(六)辦理環保行銷活動,累計33.7萬人次參與;(七)完成30場次機關綠色採購訪查及提升1,578萬的綠色採購申報金額。
EngTitle 2014 Green Consumption Promotion project
EngAbstract The objective of this project is to advocate Green Consumption and Promoting Green Procurement which is designed to collaborate with private enterprises, organizations, stores, volunteers, schools, hotels, wedding industry, and catering industry places… etc., to encourage people to consume products and services with Green Mark and become an green expert. The important work of this project and benefits include:(1) The completion of 79 traders to implement a marketing evaluation. Compared with 21 traders last year, this year grew 276 percent and more than 16 excellent green stores to get industry awards. The number of participants during the event reached to 249.4 million.(2) Holding 7 trainings of green consumption instructor, which drew attendee of 372, issued a total of 312 training certificate, a pass rate of 82.3%. (3) Combined 1,048 green stores in 10 counties and held green consumption campaign, a total of 116,000 passengers participated in.(4) Training green consumption instructor to promote green consumption, environmentally friendly hotel amounted to 733, compared with 602 last year, grew 21.8%, green star restaurants and hotels amounted to 189, compared with 135 last year, grew 135 40%, green wedding industry amounted to 292, compared with 215 last year, grew 35.8 %.(5) Counseling nine industry to apply for Green Mark, and completed at least five traders’ application, and helped the hotel industry, travel industry and lithographic industry has got Green Mark, the restaurant industry and the car rental industry already applied for online application, and the industry which got green mark held marketing activities amounted to 207,000 passengers participated in.(6) Apply for environmental marketing activities, a total of 337,000 passengers participated in.(7) Completed 30 sessions of green procurement agencies and enhance 15,780,000 to declare the amount of green procurement.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會