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Title 環境影響評估相關審議及議事規範整合修正研究
Abstract 我國自83年公布「環境影響評估法」,規定各種開發行為對環境有不良影響之虞者,在規劃階段應同時考量環境因素,實施環境影響評估。此外,亦陸續訂定相關環評審議及議事規範,提供予委員會委員審查及相關人員參與會議時之參考。然而相關規範訂定至今已歷時多年,因時空背景及社會民情的改變,於實際運作上逐漸浮現問題及困境。本計畫為強化環評審查效率,提昇審查作業品質,藉由彙整既有環評相關審議、議事規範之法令規定、行政規則,及環評審查範疇相關之其他法令規定,並辦理「環境影響評估相關審議及議事規範研討會議」,邀請歷屆委員會委員提供相關意見與建議,以研擬提出整合修訂之審議及議事規範建議,提供委員會委員主持或參與環評審查會議時之參考。
EngTitle Study on Revising Regulations for Reviewing of Environmental Impact Assessment and Directions
EngAbstract Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Act has been enforced since 1994. The purpose of the EIA system is to enforce developers to assess the potential impacts on the environment before deciding whether or not the development activities should go ahead. Taiwan EPA has legislated related regulations and directions for the EIA committee to consult during the review procedure. Nevertheless, the regulations and directions have been enforced for decades and are necessary to be revised. Therefore, during the operation period of this project, the related regulations and directions were compiled and conferences were held to collect suggestions from the EIA committe members. In conclusion, revisions on regulations for reviewing of environmental impact assessment and directions for procedure of environmental impact assessment review meetings were made to achieve the objective of improving the efficiency and the quality of EIA review operations.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 社團法人台灣環境管理協會