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Title 推動低碳永續家園資源循環相關工作專案計畫
Abstract 本年度計畫以推動資源循環及低碳永續兩方向做為主軸,協助環保署召開103年度再生資源再利用促進委員會與工作小組會議,同時藉由舉辦線上網頁活動及實體示範觀摩活動,宣傳善用二手物品的惜物理念,將資源循環理念深植民眾生活,全面推動並落實資源循環再利用理念。資源循環推動方面,本計畫完成會整各部會102年度「資源回收再利用推動計畫」推動成果,為能強化年報可閱讀性,在版面編排上參考國外年報風格,並以全新架構及編排方式完成「102年度資源回收再利用年報」定稿,並配合廢止績優事業獎勵辦法,檢討修訂「103年至104年資源回收再利用推動計畫」(修正草案),以滾動式檢討持續維護資再法運作機能。維護資源回收再利用宣導網部分,截至11月底為止累計更新42則資源循環相關新聞,宣導網瀏覽量亦達214,046人次。低碳永續方面,一方面協助環保署生態社區推動方案室,檢討修正資源循環行動項目之「二手跳蚤市集活動及交換平台推廣行動」認證專案內容,讓各縣市環保局可藉由使用愛二手物(i2so5)平台取得評等認證分數;另一方面積極宣傳愛二手物(i2so5)平台,辦理「二手物品交換推廣宣導會議暨資源循環示範觀摩活動」,及「就愛二手物(i2so5)~隨手通關得好禮~」手機版網頁線上尋寶活動。同時擴增平台功能,建置手機版網頁及環保局專區兩大功能,並導入搜索引擎優化技術(SEO),增加各大網站的曝光度,截至11月底為止共累計282,519人次的瀏覽量。
EngTitle Project for Promoting Resource Recycling of Low-Carbon and Sustainable Homeland
EngAbstract The project consisted of two main components: Promoting resource recycle, and sustainable low-carbon management. The main efforts include the Resource Reuse and Recycling Promotional Committee 2014 (co-organized with EPA), lucky draw event on Mobile Website, and the visit to distinctive two-handed stuff market venues. The main goal of the project is to promote the concept of resource recycling and second-hand stuff reusing, thus brings the idea of resource recycle into daily lives and implements the concept of resource circulation as well as reuse.On Project of Resource Reuse and Recycle Promotion, the accomplishments of appropriate authorities in 2013 had been collected in “2013 Resource Recycling and Reusing Annual Report”. In order to improve the readability, the report has been reconstructed refer to the annual report from Germany and has been presented as a brand new framework. Since the Waste Resource Management Excellent Performance Reward Regulations has been repealed in 2014, the“Promotion Program of Resource Recycling and Reusing during 2014 and 2015” (revised Draft) has also been brought into discussion and revision. As for statistics on resource reuse and recycling promotional website, there are 42 new stories been updated and up to 214,046 views to the site at the end of November 2014.For promoting the Action Program of Resource Recycling in Low-carbon Sustainable Society (LCSS), the certification program of “Promotion of Flea Market and Exchange Platform Action Plan” have been revised under EPA’s policy. In the new program, the county and city governments who participate the program earn certification points according to their performance statistics on “I Love Second-Hands” (i2so5) The Second-hand Stuff Exchange Integrated Platform. Further more, “Second-hand Stuff Exchange Promotion Conference and Demonstration activities of the distinctive used market venues” as well as the event “Find the Reward codes for i2so5 platform” on Mobile Website have raised the public consciousness of i2so5 website. The website has become more user-friendly, thanks to the updates on mobile website and EPA exclusive page. The project utilized the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) technology for better visibility on major search engines. As a result, the number of viewers visiting Second-hand Stuff Exchange Integrated Platform has come to 282,519 at the end of November 2014.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司