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Title 東區環境教育區域中心設置專案工作計畫
Abstract 東區環境教育區域中心,含括宜蘭、花蓮、臺東三縣市。區域中心規劃的願景是模仿日本里山倡議及關鍵觀點來建構。本計畫將由區內三所大學環境教育中心聯合執行由環保署規劃之專業領導、增能學習、科技支援、研究評估、夥伴推廣等五項計畫工作。分三年逐年深化擴展、持續執行,以形塑東部社會對環境變遷的應變韌性,朝向建構永續發展的資本及能力。年度報告呈現各項工作內容,專業領導方面,各個社群已進行本年度工作項目的規劃,並開始執行。環境教育機構也正進行各項文件與課程規劃。增能學習方面,已於6月20日及8月15日在宜蘭與臺東辦理工作坊,並剖析在地特色社群。科技支援方面,東區環境教育區域中心的網站完成規劃與建置,並展開對教案的資料撰寫工作與規劃具區域特色環境教育學習課程,完成教案。研究評估方面,研議環境教育設施場所增能計畫及建置績效評量系統。夥伴推廣已於10月辦理三場次,並於社群發展中分享,增加連結,並進行二場次教案試教。
EngTitle EE Regional Centers For Eastern Taiwan
EngAbstract The Environmental Education Regional Center for Eastern Taiwan Project granted by the Environmental Protection Administration covered areas of three counties, Ilan, Hualien and Taitung and is being conducted jointly by environmental education centers of three local universities. Satoyama Initiative visions will be pursued by implementing five major tasks: leadership academy, building environmental education capacity, technology to support the field, research and evaluation, and dissemination partnerships which were designated by the Environmental Protection Administration. The project will be operated for three years, with purposes to accumulate the human capitals, EE capabilities, and to enhance resilience of the societies in Eastern region to adapt with environmental changes and pursue sustainability.This report described the progress of major tasks in interim report. For the academic leadership, all the theme based learning circles are starting the planning and delivery process. The documents for applying EE institute are also collecting and drafting. The team has accomplished two workshops for capacity building at Yilan county on 20thJune ,at Taitung country on 15thAugust and the analyzed the assets of local EE communities. On the application of science technology, the team has established the website and the preliminary information on curricula are under collecting and developing. The team alsofinished capacity building workshop for EE sites and facilities, development performance evaluation. Partnerships and networking are also diffusing and implementing at the theme.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 國立東華大學