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Title 強化整合生活廢棄資源管理及系統維運專案計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自民國103年4月2日起至103年12月底止,主要目的係協助推動一般廢棄物管理政策之回收、清除、再利用工作,並完成建置生活廢棄物質管理資訊系統(HWMS)與其維運管理,以強化整合一般廢棄物清理效能。主要工作成果包括:(一)藉由執行機關問卷調查、再利用廠現訪、執行機關清理成效公務統計資料及蒐集國外一般廢棄物相關措施等,作為檢討我國一般廢棄物相關管理措施之基礎;(二)完成「一般廢棄物回收清除處理辦法」、「公有廢棄物掩埋場管理規範」及「廢食用油再利用管理方式」等三項法規增修草案,並訂定緊急調度清理機具作業程序及檢討修正公務統計報表,以期由制度面提升管理成效;(三)掌握執行機關針對一般廢棄物清除處理基金運作管理、廢潤滑油流向追蹤、資源回收點(站)管理、法規執行現況等,協助環保署督導地方落實執行清理工作;(四)完成現行九項源頭減量業務網站之資訊整併,並提供整合填報及統計查詢功能;(五)完成建置HWMS系統,持續整合現有相關資料庫與資料介接工作,並於103年12月上線提供地方環保單位進行試填表單。
EngTitle Project of promote general waste clean execution achievement and management system relating work mai
EngAbstract This Plan was implemented over the period from April 2, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The main objective of the Plan was to assist with the promotion of general waste recycling, clearance and disposal work, and to complete the establishment of (and implement maintenance of) the Household Waste Management System (HWMS), so as to improve the coordination and efficiency of general waste disposal. The main work results achieved were as follows: (1) On the basis of questionnaire surveys conducted by implementing agencies, on-site interviews with recycling firms, official statistics regarding the efficiency of disposal related work undertaken by implementing agencies, and the collection of information regarding the general waste management measures that have been adopted in other countries, etc., a review was undertaken of the management measures relating to general waste in Taiwan. (2) Revised drafts of the Regulations Governing General Waste Recycling, Clearance and Disposal, Rules Governing Management of Publicly-owned Landfill Sites and Method for the Management of Recycled Cooking Oil were compiled, procedures were formulated for the emergency dispatch of disposal equipment, and review was undertaken was respect to the revision of official statistical report formats, with the aim of using systemic improvements to enhance overall management efficiency. (3) Investigation was undertaken to determine the current status of implementing agencies’ management of the operations of the General Waste Management Fund, monitoring of the movement of waste lubricating oil, management of resource recycling points (and stations), implementation of relevant laws and regulations, etc., so as to assist the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) with its supervision of the implementation of waste disposal work by local government authorities. (4) Data coordination was implemented across nine existing source reduction related websites, and integrated report compilation and statistical search functions were added. (5) The work of establishing the HWMS was completed, and ongoing integration of existing databases and data peering work was carried out; the HWMS system was brought online in December 2014 for trial use in report compilation by environmental agencies at local government level.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司