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Title 103年度「推動營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自民國103年2月13日至103年12月31日為止,主要目標為協助環保署持續推動「營造永續優質環境衛生計畫」,執行經行政院核定六(98-103)年專案計畫之第六年度。本年度執行內容為:(1)每月15日查核各縣市綠網登錄相關資料情形,並於每月月底前提交輔導報告至環保署;(2)針對99年度至102年度22個示範區級之鄉鎮市區進行後續維護查核;(3)辦理各縣市政府環保局補助計畫執行成果查核;(4)針對103年度12個受補助之環保示範區進行推動進度查核;(5)遴選出8個104年度「營造友善城鄉環境」推動單位;(6)於4月份、10月份各辦理1場次地方政府研習會,供各縣市政府人員藉此機會能互相交流學習。此外,本計畫彙整歷年(98-103年)相關成果,並製作成果電子書及微電影以供民眾參閱。
EngAbstract The works carried out in 2014 included:(1)Summit the counseling report to EPA by the end of every month; check off the EcoLife content provided by local governments on the 15th day of every month; (2)Follow up checking for the twenty-two model districts of high-quality environment elected in 2010-2013; (3)Inspect the outcome of subsidied programs implemented by local government’s Environmental Protection Bureau;(4)Inspect the implementation of twelve subsidized 2014 model districts of high-quality environment;(5)Select eight 2015 “Establish Environmental Friendly Urban and Rural Area” promoting units; (6)Conduct two local government seminar sessions in April and October, respecting to local government civil servants opportunities to share experiences with each other. Finally, the project collected relating outcomes over the years of 2009 - 2014 and integrated the information into an e-book and a micro-film for the public sharing.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 長榮大學