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Title 103年綠色生活行銷網絡經營及推廣計畫
Abstract 本計畫於103年2月24日開始執行,服務對象包含政府機關、民間企業與團體、製造廠商、銷售業者、0800人員、一般民眾、管理者環保署及其委辦計畫。工作執行目標在於綠色生活資訊網系統(包含環保標章電子化網路申請作業系統、政府綠色採購網路申報系統、及環保產品線上採購網站)的維護管理、更新、及輔導使用者為主,並確保環保產品線上採購網的運行(不涉及金流與物流);對於宣傳方面則著重於網絡經營及推廣,結合微電影行銷綠色生活與環保標章。今年度持續維護管理及更新綠色生活資訊網站及環保產品線上採購網站,推廣行銷環保標章及綠色消費,共完成開發8項新功能,包括服務類環保標章申請介面與自評表單管理系統、第二型環保產品宣告登錄、統計及記事平台、環保標章審查通過統計查詢功能、「政府綠色採購網路申報系統」102年資料補登功能、103年機關綠色採購評核系統、103年民間企業與團體評核系統、連鎖型綠色商店管理系統及環保標章相關專屬遊戲。為確保標章審查、機關綠色採購與對民眾資訊揭露等工作能順利進行,本計畫維護10項系統功能,包括維護及更新環保標章規格標準、標章使用枚數登錄系統、標章產品違規處分、環境保護產品統計報表、綠色採購資料換算環境效益成效、政府組織變更進行重整、第三類標章產品進行資料更新、種子人員派遣系統、環保產品線上採購網站平台及綠色生活相關網站推廣等功能。系統推廣及宣導,至12月底為止,完成翻譯並發布35則中英新聞,並辦理機關綠色採購系統說明會共16場次、0800教育訓練4場次、環保標章申請系統操作說明會4場次,發布19則影音訊息、寄發1至12月電子報。為提高網絡推廣與行銷,本計畫完成辦理「這些年,我們一起綠色採購的生活」徵選大賽微電影活動,相關行銷活動:人氣投票活動、「下載綠色生活小舖APP馬上抽」抽獎活動網站、「這些年,我們一起分享的綠色微電影」Facebook 影片分享及留言活動,總參與人數達8萬人,成果斐然。此外,本計畫也完成設置5個環保標章及綠色消費活動專區網頁。行動裝置行銷推廣-「綠色生活小舖」APP已於Google商店上架,總安裝人次達1,616人次。此外,「綠色生活」官方臉書粉絲團以多元行銷方式進行推廣,粉絲人大幅成長了2.61倍,躍升至6,835人。
EngTitle The Greenlivng and BuyGreen Promotion Plan of 2014
EngAbstract This project began on February 24th 2014, providing services to government agencies, private enterprises, organizations, manufacturers, sellers, customer service staff of 0800 toll-free, general public, the EPA as regulator, and its commissioned projects. This year, the project was mainly focused on the maintenance, management, and updating of the GreenLiving Information Platform (including the Green Mark E-Application System, the Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, and the BuyGreen website), and on guidance provision for users of the Platform. The project was also aimed at ensuring the operation of the BuyGreen website (not involving cash flow and logistics). Promotional efforts were directed to diversify the internet marketing strategy instead of brick-and-mortar marketing.8 major functions or systems were completed for the purposes of system establishment or revamp, including the Green Mark E-Application System for Services, the Type II Green Mark E-Application System, the statistical function for Green Mark, 2014 Government Green Procurement Online Reporting System, Date Key-in function for Green Procurement System (2013), 2014 Private Enterprise and Organization Green Procurement Reporting System, a web-game for children website and the chain-store management system for Green Shop. Also, 10 systems were upgraded this year to comply with the latest requirement. For promotion and publicity, 35 news items in Mandarin Chinese, 35 news items in English were translated and published. 24 training sessions were held, including 4 education and training workshops for customer service staff on 0800 toll-free, 4 workshops for Green Mark application and 16 workshops for Green Procurement. 19 video/audio messages and 12 e-papers (for both web pages) were sent so far. For promotion purpose, a micro-film competition named "The years of our green procurement" was completed together with its marketing activities. More than 80,000 publics were involved throughout the whole competition. Also, 5 web pages were established for the Green Mark and Green Living promotional purpose. The Green Living Shop’s APP is available in Play Store from now on, and it reached 1,616 installations in total. Also, the GreenLiving’s fan-page on Facebook gain tremendous growth and hit 6,835 fans this year.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司