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Title 103年毒性化學物質管理評估及公告列管前置作業專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自103年3月31日至103年12月31日止,主要目標為蒐集國際間化學物質及環境荷爾蒙物質之最新管制資訊供國內管理參考,並進行重點物質之國內運作調查,據以提出法規修正建議及協助推動環境荷爾蒙跨部會分工管理。主要工作成果包括:(1)協助新增公告列管國際關注之六溴環十二烷、α-六溴環十二烷、β-六溴環十二烷及γ-六溴環十二烷等4種物質,並研擬「篩選作業原則內控程序」,做為現行篩選作業原則內部管控之依據。(2)因應毒管法修法,協助公告「第四類毒性化學物質核可管理辦法」,並研提20種重點第四類毒化物之管理建議。(3)研提汞等15種毒化物之管制濃度調整建議,並針對現行得使用用途涉及衛福部權責之毒化物進行問卷調查,以瞭解對業者可能之影響及衝擊。(4)完成2,4,6-三丁基第三丁酚等7種化學物質之國內運作調查,並提出公告列管評估建議。(5)協助召開跨部會管理推動小組會議,並完成市售清潔劑、修正液及油漆等100件採樣,本次抽檢商品均符合相關毒管法之規定。(6)協助辦理解除限制或禁止用途申請案之預審及複審作業,並依環保署需求完成臨時交辦事項142件。
EngTitle Plan for Management Appraisal and Preparatory Work for the Announcement of Toxic Chemical Substances
EngAbstract This Plan was implemented over the period from March 31, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The main objectives of the Plan were to collect the latest information on the management of chemical substances and environmental hormones in other countries, for use as a reference when implementing management within Taiwan. In addition, a domestic use survey has been conducted targeting the usage of key materials in Taiwan, so as to provide a basis for formulating proposals for the revision of current laws and regulations and for promoting management of environmental hormones based on an inter-departmental division of labor. The main work results achieved through implementation of the Plan include the following: (1) Assisting with the preparations for the adding of four new substances – hexabromocyclododecane, alpha-hexabromocyclododecane, beta-hexabromocyclododecane, and gamma-hexabromocyclododecane, all of which have become a major focus of international attention – to the official list of controlled substances in Taiwan, and formulation of Internal Control Procedures in Relation to Screening Operation Principles, to serve as a reference for internal controls with respect to existing screening principles. (2) In response to the revision of the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act, assistance was provided for the notification of the Regulations Governing Approvals Management for Category Four Toxic Chemical Substances, and for the drawing up of management recommendations with respect to 20 types of Category Four Toxic Chemical Substances. (3) The formulation was undertaken of recommendations regarding adjustment of permitted concentration levels with respect to 15 types of toxic chemical substances, including mercury, and evaluation of the appropriateness of utilizing certain types of toxic chemical substance the scope of usage of which falls within the purview of the Ministry of Health and Welfare. (4) A domestic use survey has been conducted targeting 7 types of chemical substances, including styrene, etc., and recommendations formulated regarding the adding of these substances to the official list of controlled substances. (5) Assistance has been provided for the convening of meetings of the environmental hormone inter-ministerial management promotion team, and sampling has been completed of 100 samples of cleaning agents, correction fluids, paints, etc. that are currently sold in Taiwan. All of the sampled products were found to conform to the relevant provisions of the Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act. (6) Assistance has been provided for preliminary hearings and appeals in relation to applications for the lifting of restrictions or prohibitions on usage, and a total of 142 instances of extraordinary processing were implemented on behalf of the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA).
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司