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Title 環境整潔綠美化業務推動計畫
Abstract 本計畫目標包括(1)推廣運用「大型活動環境友善度管理指引」、(2)協助辦理「環境整潔綠美化促進法」作業及整合「全國環境整潔綠美化推動計畫」、(3)髒亂程度判定通報及維護環境整潔宣導重點、(4)社區或村里環境整潔綠美化影響因素調查及分析、(5)蒐集及更新國內外環境整潔綠美化資訊。各項工作成果:一、辦理8場次「大型活動環境友善度管理指引」推廣會議,共372人參與,回收有效問卷284份;大型活動環境友善度落實度確認6場次;透過推廣會議及落實度確認,提出指引調修及後續推廣建議;研擬大型活動環境友善度管理獎章評鑑計畫制度。二、彙整中央及各縣市政府對於環境整潔綠美化相關法規,共17項類別,249項(含3項草案);「全國環境整潔綠美化推動計畫」(草案) 針對中央部會業務主管機關及環保署業務權責規劃環境標的短中長期之兩種計畫版本。三、完成A、B版整潔度指標與月報製作通知作業流程、6篇新聞稿之撰寫、髒亂熱點分析報告、髒亂點預警機制規劃。四、完成社區或村里環境整潔綠美化現訪調查,並彙整及比較分析調查結果,提出社區(村里)環境整潔綠美化策略及措施報告。五、蒐集國內外文獻共272篇;修正後臺管理區整潔方案室發布專區查詢系統功能;歷年文章內容超連結重新檢視並更新。
EngTitle Environmental Cleaning, Greening and beautification Promotion Program
EngAbstract The purposes of the project were aimed (1) to popularize a guide of environmentally friendly management on large-scale activities, (2) to assist in planning and revising the draft or the Environmental Cleaning, Greening and Beautification Act and Greening and Beautification Promotion Program, (3) to formulate an untidy spot determination and reporting dirty level, and environmental cleaning promotion scheme, (4) to implement a field investigation and analysis on factors of environmental cleaning, greening and beautification to communities or villages, and (5) to gather information or update regulations on environmental cleaning, greening and beautification. The efforts and achievements are stated as below. (1) 8 sessions of promotion lecture were held to popularize a guideline of environmentally friendly management on large-scale activities, amount of 372 attendees participated on, and 284 valid questionnaires were collected. 6 large-scale activities were chosen to evaluate the practicability of the guideline. According to outcome of questionnaires and evaluations, suggestions were proposed, and a reward program was developed on environmentally friendly management on large-scale activities. (2)Central and local governments’ regulations on environmental cleaning, greening and beautification were gathered, in 17 categories on 249 regulations (3 drafts included). The versions of Greening and Beautification Promotion Programs were planned for the central authorities and the EPA. The environmental cleaning indicators and reporting predictions, 6 news releases on environmental cleaning, an analyzing report on Taiwan untidy hotspot, and an early warning system plan on untidy hotspot were completed. The field investigation and analysis were carried out furthermore, practical strategies were proposed. 272 pieces of information were gathered. Also a search function on EcoLife backstage was revised. Former information and reconnected hyperlinks were checked and reconnected.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 整潔方案室
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司