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Title 推動產業綠色設計與資源循環專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫執行期間自民國103年3月13日起至103年12月31日止,主要工作為:(一)推動搖籃到搖籃設計理念相關工作並研擬推動機制,(二)辦理與資源循環相關之環境教育、組織學習及推廣活動,(三)配合辦理相關計畫之行政作業。本計畫透過「策略聯盟」、「知識平台」、「宣傳推廣」與「制度研擬推動」等策略,整合性執行搖籃到搖籃相關工作,包含辦理2場討論會,共同研商聯盟未來發展願景及學習綠色創新設計;訪談11家聯盟會員或潛力會員,追蹤及瞭解會員應用搖籃到搖籃設計理念之現況,並招募10家新會員加入聯盟,共同分享搖籃到搖籃相關知識;更新優化知識平台網站,順應網路趨勢改善平台設計及整合平台資訊,以增強平台功能及使用性;辦理3場種子講師培訓班、2場專家圓桌論壇或交流論壇、1場產品設計競賽、1支10分鐘紀錄宣導影片並印製300份光碟與300份口袋型紀錄宣導圖冊,以及參展「2014國際綠色產品展」,多元宣導及推廣搖籃到搖籃設計理念;輔導3家廠商進行搖籃到搖籃產品設計及生命週期評估環境衝擊,並追蹤歷年輔導的廠商改善產品設計現況;研提與我國環保標章連結之機制及相關配套措施;以及協助辦理組織學習活動及配合計畫相關的行政作業,提升計畫成效與品質。
EngTitle The Special Project for Promoting Green Design in Industry and Resource Recycling
EngAbstract This project's implementation period extends from March 13, 2014 to December 31, 2014. The main tasks include: (1) Promotion of work related to the Cradle to Cradle concept and drafting the promotional mechanisms; (2) Implementation of environmental education, organizational learning, and extension activities related to recycling; and (3) Assisting with administrative works for related projects. This project relies on a “Strategic Alliance”, “Knowledge Platform”, “Awareness and Promotion”, and “Drafting of Institutional Systems” to comply the integrated implementation of the Cradle to Cradle works, including two discussion conferences to jointly discuss the strategic alliance's development vision and learn green innovative design; interviews with 11 alliance members or potential members in order to track and understand members' situation of application about the Cradle to Cradle concept and recruit 10 companies to join the alliance and share Cradle-to-Cradle-related knowledge; the establishment of an updated, optimized knowledge platform website with integrated information and improved platform design in keeping with the Internet trends, which will enhance platform functions and usability; the implementation of three training sessions for seed lecturers, two roundtable discussions or interchange forums for experts, one product challenge, and the production of one 10-minute documentary video and 300 DVDs and 300 illustrated awareness booklets; participation in the "Eco-Products International Fair 2014," which uses various methods to publicize and promote the Cradle to Cradle concept; providing assistance to three companies performing Cradle to Cradle product design and life cycle environmental impact assessment, and tracking efforts made by companies had received assistance to improve product design; development of mechanisms and relevant accompanying measures related to the Taiwan Green Mark system; and providing of assistance with implementation of organizational learning activities and implementation of administrative procedures connected with the project in order to enhance effectiveness and quality.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 康城工程顧問股份有限公司