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Title 103-104年度環境保護產品驗證監督及追蹤管理專案工作計畫(第1年)
Abstract 本計畫期藉由精進監督及追蹤環境保護產品制度、監督環境保護產品驗證作業,以及辦理環境保護產品查核及追蹤管理三大項工作,以確保核發環保標章公信力,彙整本年度的計畫重點及成果如下:研析5個先進國家環境(綠色)宣告指引內容,並研訂我國「環境宣告管理作業要點草案」;建置冒用環保標章處理程序,嚴格辦理冒用環保標章及廣告不實之情事,有效矯正廠商錯誤行為;召開3場次專家學者座談會,針對冒用環保標章、監督驗證作業、環境保護產品追蹤查核程序及環境宣告管理作業要點草案架構等主題進行研討,召開3場次廠商座談會共計252人參與,以鼓勵相關業者申請環保標章。完成建置驗證機構監督標準作業機制,監督驗證機構辦理驗審會及現場查核,並提出監督改善建議予驗證機構,協助2家驗證作業趨於一致性;蒐集分析環保標章制度與驗證機構滿意度問卷調查共211份,提供環保署政策推動及修正之參考,辦理2場次環境保護產品驗證機構驗審人員辦理法務教育訓練,達成學術與實務上之交流。建置環境保護產品後市場查核標準作業程序,抽樣檢驗環保標章產品400件,不符合比率為3%,不符合項目中以冷氣機塑膠件鉛含量不合格比例最高,建議明年度須加強控管;抽測非環保標章產品80件,市面上墨水匣揮發性有機物含量皆超出規格標準管制限值,建議修訂此項目之規格標準管制限值,今年度甫函頒第二類環保標章環境訴求評定基準,有助於提升第二類環境保護產品之數量,建議未來規劃可抽測第二類環境保護產品,以確保核發第二類環保標章公信力。
EngTitle Certification and Monitoring Plan of Environmental Products
EngAbstract Diligent oversight of this project and product tracking system for environmental protection, monitoring of environmental protection product verification operations, as well as apply for environmental goods checking and tracking management of the three items of work to ensure that the issuance of Green Mark credibility.With five National Environment Research and Analysis advanced declare the guidelines as a reference, complete set of research, "declared the draft environmental management work points" to guide enterprises to establish a credible environment are declared; build fraudulent Green Mark Handler, strictly handle fraudulent green Mark and advertising untrue circumstances, effective corrective manufacturers wrongdoing; held three sessions experts forum for fraudulent use of green Mark, supervision verification operations, environmental protection and environmental product declaration checking procedures to track management operations Highlights of the draft architecture and other topics will be discussed; handle north, central and southern three sessions totaling 252 participants vendor forum to encourage businesses to apply for environmental protection related marks, advocacy and labeled for use green Mark, reducing fraudulent cases, increase green market confidence.Build complete verification agency oversight standard operating mechanism, supervisory agencies for verification and on-site inspection trial will check and make recommendations for improvement to supervise certification bodies, assist two jobs tend to verify the consistency of, the proposed increase for next year quality system certification body check to better supervise the implementation effectiveness; collection and analysis system green Mark certification bodies satisfaction survey, compile the manufacturers recommend green Mark certification system of the system and provide EPA policy to promote and reference, as amended; for environmental protection product certification bodies mortem examination personnel, handling legal education and training, the implementation of green Mark certification authority to verify the work of the auditors to review the full participation of all reached on the exchange of academic and practical.After the build environment protection products on the market to check the standard operating procedures, including the production site and check places of selling management, product inspection sampling mechanism; sampling inspection Green Mark products 400, does not meet the ratio of 3%, the project does not conform to air conditioners plastic pieces of lead content failed highest proportion proposal next year to step up the Control Manager; 102 years compared to strictly apply environmental sampling discrepancies product vendors, manufacturers more emphasis this year for green Mark product quality control, and more Check out the necessity of the market appeared after work; sampling tests and non-environmentally friendly products 80 mark, as proposed amendments to the specifications, sampling tests on the market ink cartridges VOC control limits are exceeded specifications, for fear that end product specifications number zero the main reason, the proposed amendments to the specifications of the control limits of this project, this year just awarded a second class letter to apply for a job specification for environmental protection product, will help to improve the number of the second kind of environmental protection products, some suggestions for future planning and sampling I check the number of the second kind of environmental protection products, to facilitate the issuance of the second category in order to ensure the credibility of environmental protection product certification and consumer protection.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 管考處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人台灣產業服務基金會