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Title 103年度推動低碳永續家園之法律經濟與財稅工具行動項目規劃
Abstract 本計畫為完備低碳永續家園認證評等制度,將針對10大運作機能各擇2項行動項目研析推動建構過程可運用之法律、經濟與財稅工具,並檢討與修正102年度研提之行動項目內容,以朝實務推動可行及符合專案登錄規範,修正成果將登載於環保署低碳永續家園資訊網,提供行動項目推動者執行之參考。
EngTitle the legal, economic and fiscal tools of complement the low-carbon sustainable homes
EngAbstract This project is prepared to complement the low-carbon sustainable homes rating system certification. For each of 10 operational functions, there have two actions plan in which will be analyzed to the legal, economic and fiscal tools while it will be promoted to build the low carbon homeland. Otherwise, this project will modified the action plan which has been proposed in 2013 to compliance with EPA low carbon sustainable homeland login specifications and toward to the practical feasibility. Each of corrected action plan will be posted on EPA low carbon sustainable homeland network for information provided.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 環科工程顧問股份有限公司