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Title 海洋污染防治管理系統支援暨維運整合計畫
Abstract 海洋污染防治管理系統已納入過去幾年環保署海洋污染防治管理業務相關成果,對於海洋污染之空間與屬性資訊掌握,已有相當成效。本年度將透過擴建地理資訊系統(GIS),整合相關環境空間資訊與應變資源,直觀提供決策管理者所需之應變資源,以利緊急應變調度所需。本計畫今年度主要計畫目標為地理資訊系統之功能擴充,整合環境空間資訊與應變資材能量,強化系統整體運作效能,進而提升海洋污染事件通報與應變處理能力。地理資訊系統主要整合緊急應變所需之污染事件、環境敏感區位圖層、油及化學品模擬結果、應變單位以及資材儲存場所之空間點位與屬性資料,並結合海域水質監測資料分析查詢功能、海氣象資料等環境資訊;此外,本計畫亦建置海洋污染行動管理APP,提供即時通報污染事件、即時查詢地理資訊圖台之鄰近環境敏感圖層與應變資材等功能,達到即時應變之目的。為強化海污系統之決策分析管理服務,針對緊急應變所需之相關管理文件,本系統已建置各應變階段之事件記錄功能,提供智慧型圖文報表產製,可有系統的彙整各應變歷程,並透過彙整研析國內外重大海洋污染事件緊急應變案例,供後續指揮官之決策參考依據。除此之外,本年度假法國Cedre中心辦理103年度海洋油及化學品污染應變人力養成訓練,計有24名學員參加,藉以協助我國海洋污染應變各單位人員汲取國外先進經驗,促進我國海洋污染應變專業知識與應變技術之提升。
EngAbstract Marine pollution prevention system which has great results in the command of spatial and property information pertaining to marine pollution has been included in the related achievements of marine pollution prevention affairs of Environmental Protection Administration over the past few years. This year, related environmental space information and response resources will be integrated to directly provide policy managers with required response resources to facilitate emergency response by expanding geographic information system (GIS).The chief objective of this year's project is to expand the function of GIS, integrate environmental space information and response materials, equipment, and capacity, strengthen the entire operation efficiency of the system, and further improve marine pollution incident reporting and response abilities. GIS mainly integrates pollution incidents, layers of environmental sensitive areas, simulate results of oil and chemicals, response units and the space and property information of material and equipment storage locations required for emergency response, and it combines with analysis and check functions of sea water quality monitoring information, marine meteorology information, and other environmental information. Moreover, the project has established mobile marine pollution management APP to timely report pollution incidents and to inspect the adjacent environmental sensitive layers of geographic information maps, and response materials and equipment to reach the goal of prompt response.To strengthen the policy analysis and management service of the marine pollution system, the system has established an incident recording function for each response stage and provides the smart production and manufacturing of picture-word report forms which systematically organize each response process in the light of related management documents for emergency response. In addition, the study organized and analyzed emergency response cases of major marine pollution incidents home and abroad to serve as references for future commanders in making policies.Furthermore, response personnel training for the pollution of marine gasoline and chemicals of 2014 was held in Cedre Center in France with 24 participants to assist Taiwan's marine pollution response personnel to obtain advanced experience from other countries and to enhance professional knowledge and response techniques for marine pollution.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 水保處
ExecutingOrg 環輿科技股份有限公司