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Title 103年推動廢棄物非法棄置案件管理策略行動計畫
Abstract 本計畫除持續辦理場址清查核對、修訂作業程序或規範及提昇IDMS系統功能外,並配合資源循環利用法(草案)立法,協助訂定非法棄置案件場址之善良管理人注意義務認定準則;為因應緊急事故,減輕污染危害或避免污染擴大,協助訂定非法棄置案件場址之啟動緊急應變及應採取必要措施辦法;探討建立非法棄置案件場址危害等級及排序機制。場址清查部分,截至103年4月30日止,IDMS系統共計列管案件420處,其中有202處解除列管,218處為持續列管場址。本計畫自IDMS系統持續列管218處場址中,以新增且尚列管場址為清查標的(即排除由原系統移列258處場址),並以近年重要棄置案件(棄置桶裝、污泥)為清查標的,共計執行場址勘查61處,逐場址製作勘查紀錄表、大事紀要、系統勘誤表、估算清理經費等,並於103年11月拜會各環保局,以釐清場址清理及行政查處進度。資源循環利用法(草案)配套措施部分,本計畫以「污染土地關係人之善良管理人注意義務認定準則」為藍本,並參酌環保署98年7月8日環署廢字第0980059664號函釋,研擬「土地所有人、管理人或使用人之善良管理人注意義務認定準則(草案)」。為減輕污染危害或避免污染擴大,資源循環利用法(草案)第105條第3項參考土壤及地下水污染整治法第15條規定,增加因應緊急事故應採取之必要措施。本計畫參考歷年非法棄置案件及相關環境法案條文,擬定為因應緊急事故之必要措施啟動條件及「非法棄置廢棄物事件緊急應變必要措施作業程序」。此外,以HRS系統危害等級評定制度為發展架構,並配合IDMS系統現行列管運作方式,建立場址等級評定及排序機制,並應用於清查場址排序,將臺中市第288號場址、臺南市第385號場址、第353號場址,雲林縣第429號場址等4處場址列為優先清理序位。另本計畫完成「私有土地遭棄置廢棄物清理作業程序(修正草案)」及「廢棄物非法棄置案件追蹤列管及解除列管原則(修正草案)」,提供顧問及法律諮詢服務(包括提供法律意見書)32件,協助彙處監察院查復資料,出席會議或簡報4場次,並配合執行養鴨場現勘18場次。
EngTitle FY 2014 Promoting Strategy and Action Plan of Illegal Waste Disposal Case Management
EngAbstract This year, the project continued on cleanup site verification, procedure revisions, and IDMS enhancement. It also helped regulate the list of responsibilities for a site owner. With respect to the emergency responses for minimizing the accidental pollution, the project established the procedures of initiating emergency responses for illegal disposal events. The project also established the ranking and the ranking mechanism for the illegal disposal site classification.With respect to the site cleanups, up to April 30th, 2014, there were 420 listed site in the IDMS. 202 out of the 420 sites were delisted later and 218 of them were still in the list. Within the 218 sites, 61 of the newly listed sites, which included abandoned barrels and sludge, were visited and the site visit records, site history, system errors, and cleanup cost estimates were conducted. In November, 2014, the related local environmental protection bureaus were visited to verify the progress of the cleanup and administrative measures.As for the peripherals of the Resource Recycling and Reuse Law (Draft), the project drafted the necessary responsibilities of a site owner into law. In order to diminish the pollution, the Law added the response measures of an emergency reaction. The project referenced the past cases and the related environmental regulations to draft the measures. Besides, it also established the site ranking and ranking mechanism based on the HRS classification and IDMS operations. The system has been applied on the No. 228 site in Taichung, the No. 385 site in Tainan, the No. 353 site in Tainan, and the No. 429 site in Yuenlin County.In addition, this project also drafted 2 regulations regarding cleanup operation procedure for private lands and enlisting and delisting of illegal waste disposal cases. 32 consultation and legal services were provided. 4 attendances of information reply, meeting attendance, and presentation requested by the Control Yuan. 18 duck farm visits were conducted.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 財團法人工業技術研究院