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Title 推動低碳清運及生質燃料垃圾車引進配套規劃專案計畫
Abstract 為能持續過去年度老舊垃圾車汰換成效,本計畫將持續協助各縣市汰換老舊垃圾車並優先鼓勵換購低碳垃圾車,同時針對低碳垃圾車辦理效益評估並評估未來低碳垃圾車推動方向,以能達成持續汰換老舊垃圾清運機具,維持垃圾清運品質與效率,同時達成推動低碳垃圾清運與降低垃圾清運油耗之目標。
EngTitle Project of promoting low carbon clearance and planning complementary measures on introducing biofuel
EngAbstract In order to maintain the effectiveness of replacing refuse collection vehicles in the past years, this project will assist local governments to renew their refuse collection vehicles and encourage the redemption of low carbon refuse collection vehicles.Considering the benefit assessment of low carbon collection vehicles, we will assess the directions of promoting low carbon collection vehicles in the future, so as to achieve sustainable renewal of refuse trucks, maintain the quality and efficiency of refuse collection, as well as promote low carbon refuse collection and reduce fuel consumption of waste collection.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 廢管處
ExecutingOrg 中興工程顧問股份有限公司