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Title 環境資源類政府出版品特展專案工作計畫
Abstract 本計畫之目標為藉由「環境資源類政府出版品特展」提升民眾對於環境資源之認識,並傳達與環境資源相關之「氣、林、土、水」四大元素,透過整合國內相關公部門之出版品進行展出,預計募集豐富環境資源出版品規劃本次展覽,以特展辦理與民互動,鼓勵民眾由出版品中認識環境,進而培養環境保護的觀念。本次活動於103年11月21日至103年11月23日在華山1914文創產業園區四連棟CD館舉行,共計27個機關團體及出版業者參與,展出共計超過700件出版品,三天共計3,864人次參與。特展於開展時規劃開展儀式,並邀請署長及各相關單位長官們一同舉行啟動儀式;更於特展連續三天中安排接連六場的名人分享會,邀請知名講者從音樂、旅行、生活等角度結合環保,引領現場民眾從不同的角度得知環境保護的知識及豐富性。為使特展更加生動有趣,特別推出天天抽平板、打卡或購書可免費換咖啡等活動,吸引大量民眾一同共享盛舉;並於閉展時規劃傳愛到偏鄉的活動,邀請各單位一同將書籍贈送給偏遠小學,為活動劃下完美的句點。
EngTitle Government Publication of environment resource category exhibition
EngAbstract Through the “Government Publications On Environmental Resources Expo”, we aim to enhance public understanding of environmental resources and increase public awareness of “Air, Woods, Soil & Water”, which are the 4 most important environmental resources elements. By exhibiting a vast collection of integrated environmental resources relevant publications from different government departments to interact with the public, we hope to encourage people to be more aware of environmental protection issues by further understanding the environment. The event was held from the 21st to the 23rd of November, 2014 in Halls C & D of the Huashan 1914 Creative Park. With 27 participant organizations and publishers, over 700 publication exhibits, we achieved a total of 3,864 vistors.An opening ceremony was held with the participation of the Minister and relevant senior officers. Throughout the 3 days, we also arranged 6 celebrity events sharing environmental protection topics combined with music, traveling, lifestyle and etc., leading the audience to see and learn about environment protection through different aspects.Promotion events were arranged to make the expo more vivid, such as daily tablet PC giveaways, compliment coffees for book purchases or Facebook check-ins, which successfully stimulated considerable audience participation. A charity book donation event for elementary schools in remote parts inviting all was held at the closing of the expo, giving the entire expo a meaningful and perfect ending.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 新視紀整合行銷傳播股份有限公司