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Title 103年兩岸病媒防治服務業及環境用藥管理交流計畫
Abstract 由於病媒防治是特殊的服務業,雙方必須經由技術認證循平等互惠、循序漸進的原則,因而建立兩岸病媒防治環保服務業資訊交流平臺。已完成之工作內容如下:一、調查病媒防治業進入兩岸市場的投資障礙、困境,提出建議對策。二、蒐集大陸地區病媒防治相關管理法規(含中央、地方之法令規定),並與臺灣法規對照及進行分析比較,並隨時更新。三、瞭解大陸地區病媒防治投資趨勢分析,相關交流活動資訊、活動成果及心得,分享於交流平臺。四、協助有意前往大陸投資、工作之病媒防治公司登記及技術人員證照培訓之諮詢及解決現有問題。五、辦理兩岸人員交流,實際瞭解大陸地區病媒防治管理現況。六、相關資訊上傳至交流平臺,設專責人員執行資訊系統。有鑑於此,已完成上傳產業資訊24則、專題介紹8則,完成辦理2場工作檢討會及1場次國際研討會,完成組團前往大陸廣州深圳、北京及蘇州昆山之參訪活動。本年度已有四家廠商分別前往大陸地區登記公司或進行雙方實際合作活動。
EngTitle Studies in the information exchange of PCO and EAC services of both sieds of Cross-Strait.
EngAbstract Because pest management industry is a special technical service which must be approved by governments according to equal and mutual-beneficial principles, the Cross-Strait information exchange platforms of pest management industry should be established. Therefore, these studies were carried out as following:1.This study surveyed the obstacles and difficulties in the development of pet management industry in Cross-Strait market, and then proposed some corresponding countermeasures and suggestions against the problems. 2.This project collected and updated the related regulations of pest management industry (including decrees of both federal and local government), and then compared the differences of these regulations between Taiwan and mainland China.3.This investigation analyzed the investment trends of pest management industry in mainland China and Taiwan, and also shared information and reflections of activities on information exchange platforms.4.We assisted the pest management enterprises that intend to invest or work in the mainland China in company registration while provided consulting for either licenses obtaining or problems solving.5.This project organized the Cross-strait information exchange activities and understand the current situations of pest management industry.6.This study uploaded the relevant information to the exchange platform and assigned the exclusive personnel for managing information system.Thus, 24 industrial information and 8 lecture articles have been uploaded through the information exchanges platform. Moreover, we have held two workshops and one international conference of pest management industry, and have organized the delegation to visit Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Peijing and Suzhou in Mainland China. Until now, there have been 4 companies either registered or started their business in China.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 工業技術研究院 綠能與環境研究所