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Title 環保署主管事業業者加入公會現況與需求調查
Abstract 本研究計畫目的為瞭解環保署所轄業者加入公會之比率,並提出未來輔導業者加入公會之建議。故首先針對調查範圍進行操作型定義:環保業者以領有環保署或環保局核發許可證或登記證;依公司法或商業登記法設立之公司、行號;仍在經營中;且從事環保服務之公司行號為環保署所轄業者調查範圍。公會則依商業團體法第3條所成立之商業同業公會為調查範圍。故依領有環保署或環保局核發許可證或登記證,環保業者的調查對象包括廢棄物清除業、廢棄物處理業、廢棄物清除處理業、環境用藥業、病媒防治業、環境檢驗測定業及應回收廢棄物回收業、應回收廢棄物處理業;並依環保業者對應之環保業務相關的商業同業公會為調查對象。調查結果顯示,環保業者加入環保業務相關的商業同業公會,整體業者入會比率不到四成。建議未來輔導環保業者加入公會之方向,首先可針對未入會業者,加強宣導入會規定。其次,瞭解未入會業者之需求,增加業者業務商機,加強公會會員服務以強化業者加入公會之誘因。而針對已入會業者,公會除了傳達業務商機外,可與政府機關合作舉辦研討會、講座等活動,讓基層公會發揮實際功能。
EngTitle The survey of Current Status and Requirements for EPA Juridical Enterprises to Join the Commercial
EngAbstract The purpose of project is to understand the percentage of EPA juridical enterprises joining the association and propose suggestions of guiding the enrollment of enterprises in the association in the future. Therefore, first is to define the operational scope of survey: environmental protection enterprises which have permit or registration certificate issued by the EPA or EPB; companies or firms legally registered pursuant to the Company Act or Business Registration Act; continuing operation; and the EPA juridical companies and firms engaging in environmental protection services are within the scope of survey. The commercial associations established in accordance with article 3 of the Commercial Group Act are within the scope of survey.Therefore, the subjects of survey to environmental protection enterprises with permit or registration certificate issued by the EPA or EPB include Waste Cleaning, Waste Disposing, Waste Cleaning and Disposing, Environmental Agents, Pathogen Controlling Services, Environmental Inspection and Recycled Waste Recycling, Recycled Waste Disposing as well as the corresponding environmental related commercial associations. According to the results of survey, the percentage of enterprises that have joined the environmental related commercial associations is less than 40%.As to the orientation of guiding environmental protection enterprises to join the associations, it is recommended to reinforce the propaganda of enrollment aiming at enterprises that have not yet enrolled. Next, understand the needs of enterprises that have not yet enrolled, increase their business opportunities, consolidate association member services to intensify the incentives of enrollment. Aiming at enterprises that have already joined the associations, in addition to communication of business opportunities, the associations may organize seminar and lectures altogether with governmental agencies to develop the physical functions of basic associations.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 綜計處
ExecutingOrg 思多葛市場研究股份有限公司