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Title 103年度環保示範區推廣活動計畫
Abstract 為落實「去污保育護生態、清境家園樂活化」的環境政策,行政院環境保護署(簡稱環保署)在98至103年推動營造永續優質環境衛生計畫,引導各直轄市、縣(市)政府營造當地優勢與特色,推動「示範區的環境管理」制度、清掃學習推廣活動及示範區宣導等工作,逐步達成14項環境衛生永續指標,讓全國生活品質、居家周圍環境整潔獲得整體提升,一同打造永續環保的清淨家園。為加強環境衛生推動成果之宣傳成效,讓更多大眾瞭解優質環保示範區之美,故此有了本計畫。本計畫應用攝影競賽辦理、優質環境衛生微電影宣傳及清掃學習活動推廣,鼓勵民眾親身前往體驗環保示範區之美,喚起民眾注意自身的居家生活品質,進而影響並擴散至周邊社區,達到觀念宣傳、群起效尤共同提升環保意識之目的。本年度攝影競賽共計徵件7,588張優美示範區照片;另外,搭配攝影競賽推出之尋寶小遊戲抽獎活動亦共有 1,916位民眾參與,故本年度應用多元推廣方式及加碼好康活動確實有效提升民眾參與度,徵件量較102年提升2倍。3部推廣「環保示範區-宜居 美麗臺灣」、「清掃學習-山谷的 起點」及「環保志工-愛 就要行動」之微電影本年度應用知名演員及生活化劇情有效吸引民眾觀看,截至目前於Youtube點閱數已累計達3,838次,較102年提升4倍。而清掃學習推廣上亦首度推出環境清掃大作戰,共計2,166人報名參加,網站觀覽量較102年增加2,000多人次。另外,配合全國公廁環境品質及特色度之提升,彙整優異成果推出全臺首本公廁有聲電子書「幸福守廁-便所王國的奇幻旅程」並辦理記者發表會,會後共計有24則媒體之露出,達到訊息有效之傳散。最後,本年度計畫之豐碩成果仰賴民眾熱情之參與、委員辛苦之審查、環保署長官對各項作業之協助與縣市政府的全力配合,在此誠摯向各位致上最深之謝意。
EngTitle 103 Model Environment Protection Districts promotion plan
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan (EPA) established the plan for creation of high-quality sustainable environment from 2009 to 2014 for the environmental policy of “pollution removal and conservation for ecology, clean neighborhood for LOHAS life.” This plan was developed to lead the municipal and local county (city) governments for the creation of local advantages and features and promote the system of “environmental management through model districts” cleaning-learning campaigns and model district propagandas. The purpose was to achieve the 14 environmental sustainability indices, improve nationwide quality of life and neighborhood cleanness and build a clean homeland of sustainable environmental protection. This plan was designed to enhance the promotional effects for the results of environmental sanitation and allow more people to understand the beauty of model environment protection districts. It was achieved with series of events, such as photography contest, campaign with microfilms of clean environment and the promotion of cleaning-learning activities. People were encouraged to experience the beauty of model environment protection districts, pay attention to the quality of environment around their homes, and spread that awareness across the neighboring communities, thus achieving the goal of concept promotion and improvement of environmental awareness by setting examples. Seven thousand five hundred and eighty-eight photos of model districts were received for this year's photo contest. 1,916 people participated in the treasure hunt that came with the contest. The diversity of promotions and the bonus activities did help improve the participation of the public, as twice as many photos were received for the contest as opposed to 2013. This year's microfilms, the“Model Environment Protection Districts – A Livable and Beautiful Taiwan,” “Cleaning-learning – Where the Valley Begins” and “Environmental Volunteers – to Love is to Act” featured famous actors and close-to-life plots to increase the number of viewers. Up to now, these films were viewed by 3,888 viewers over YouTube, 4 times more than 2013. For the promotion of cleaning-learning, 2,166 signed up for the Battle of Clean Environment. In addition, there were 2,000 web visitors more than 2013. Also for the improvement of quality and feature of public restrooms around the country, the results of excellent performance among public restrooms were collected into the “Happy Toilet Manual – A Magic Journey,” the first audio book about public restrooms in Taiwan, and a press conference was held for its debut. Twenty-four reports were published on news media for the effective dissemination of message. Finally, the organization would like to acknowledge the participation of the public, the hard work of review board, the assistance from the EPA and the cooperation of local governments. It is their efforts that made this plan fruitful and productive.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司