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Title 環境用藥管理及資訊系統應用維護計畫
Abstract 本年度在計畫執行面向共分為法規面、系統面及宣導面三大部分:在法規面,本年度已完成污染防治用藥、微生物製劑及殺蟲劑應用於一般商品在美國、歐盟、英國及日本法規國家資料收集彙整,同時提出3項建議,並針對各國資料進行評析與我國法規差異度提出分析比較報告;進而搭配產學全面檢視我國環境用藥法規適妥性,綜整後針對我國「環境用藥管理法」、「環境用藥管理法施行細則」與「病媒防治業管理辦法」進行全面檢視,共計提出8項修法建議。在系統面本年度為了讓業者可快速通關,進行原體用途證明及非屬環境用藥線上申請功能建置,並針對現有樣品同意文件系統功能進行系統優化調整,同時為了掌握全國環境用藥製造量、販賣量及使用量,建置環境用藥紀錄表、病媒防治施作紀錄及病媒施作計畫書功能建置;針對管理統計報表進行劣質環境用藥清單、環境用藥業者分佈圖及環境用藥製造量輸入量歷年同期比較視覺化3項統計報表設計,以提供環保署透過環境用藥管理資訊系統全面掌握環境用藥管理作業。宣導面則採分群分眾規劃,針對環境用藥業者辦理1場次兩岸交流研討會,與會人次共計287人,滿意度達96.4%;在系統實機操作說明會,分為北高兩區進行兩場次會議辦理,與會人次共計121人,滿意度達90.55%,會後依據業者所提出意見進行系統功能修正;對於一般使用者的宣導,定期更新環境用藥宣導網站,並透過微電影宣傳如何正確使用電蚊香,同時依據本年度登革熱疫情進行高雄捷運廣告5幅燈箱上架與製作1000份宣導品,以達多元滲透大眾之日常生活,達到安全選購、使用環境用藥之目的,徹底落實保護環境與維護人體健康之宗旨。
EngTitle The Program of Environmental Agents and Pest Control Managemen
EngAbstract For the program in this year, there were three executive aspects: international regulation studying, system operation and maintenance, and public education.On the aspect of international regulation studying, regulatory policies on treated articles, pollution controlling agents, and microbial agents in the U.S., EU, U.K., and Japan have been collected, analyzed, and compared with relevant regulations in R.O.C. A summary report, along with 3 suggestions, has been proposed according to the study. Furthermore, the appropriateness of relevant R.O.C. laws and regulations, including the Environmental Agents Control Act as well as its Enforcement Rules, and Pest Control Operator Management Regulation, have been comprehensively inspected in the views of industry, government, as well as academia. As a conclusion, 8 suggestions on law amendment have been proposed. On the aspect of system operation and maintenance, for more efficient customs clearance, certification of usage of technical grade products, and on-line application of non-mandatory environmental agents have been constructed. The optimization of existed environmental agent sample permit application function is another accomplishment in this year. For effective management on the amount of environment agent manufactured, sold, and used, environment agent operation report form, pest control operation report form and pest control operation plan have been constructed. Meanwhile, the visual improvements on statistics functions are complete, which include list of inferior environmental agents, diagram of distribution of all environmental agent-related authorization holding enterprises, and contemporary comparison on the amount environmental agent manufactured or imported. These enhancements make the Environmental Agents Manage System more practical and comprehensive on environmental agent management by Taiwan EPA. The publicity activities are held for different types of audience. For environmental agent-related authorization holding enterprises, there is a conference (Cross-Strait Conference, 287 attended, with satisfaction rate up to 96.4%), a computer-based workshop for Environmental Agents Manage System in Taipei and Kaohsiung, respectively (overall attendance: 121, with 90.55% satisfied). Several adjustments to the system have been made based on the audiences’ opinions. For citizen, in addition to a periodically updated educational website for environmental agents, there is a microfilm for correct usage of electronic mosquito repelling agents. In response to the dengue fever epidemic, there are 5 light box ads (in Kaohsiung MRT system) along with 1000 copies of promotional materials. All publicity activities serve as reminders in daily lives for buying and using environmental agents safely to safeguard human health.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司