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Title 103年度「營造永續優質環境衛生-清淨家園鄉鎮市區整潔評比工作計畫」
Abstract 環保署為提升國內環境「整潔度」,結合政府部門、縣市政府、鄉鎮市區、村里、學校、企業團體及民眾共同參與,攜手整頓居家環境,營造優質環境衛生。為使整潔度評分結果能真實反映出實地環境衛生之維護情形,環保署辦理「清淨家園鄉鎮市區整潔度評比工作計畫」之工作內容,期盼能使整潔度評比成績符合民眾感受,逐步獲得民眾信賴與肯定。 在中央及地方通力合作巡查下,全國的整潔度成績也愈趨提升,依計畫規劃至103年10月底,全國362個鄉鎮市區的整潔度平均成績已達A級。本計畫在本年度評比過程中共通報15,364處髒亂,清潔隊接獲通報後已全數清理完畢,本計畫亦分析通報之髒亂項目類型,目前以垃圾(62%)、小廣告(24%)及水溝污染(3%)為前三大髒亂項目。另為加強民眾共同維護居家清潔的觀念,本年度首度辦理環境巡查超酷(so Cool)活動,向民眾宣傳「髒亂剋星 」App,期能讓民眾一同響應參與巡檢清理家園活動,進而達到營造永續優質環境衛生的願景。
EngAbstract The Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) invits government departments, city/county governments, townships/districts, villages, schools, enterprises, and the general public to participate in improving the living environment and environment sanitation to enhance the “cleanness” of the environment. To make the grading results of cleanness truly reflect the maintaining circumstances of the environment, the EPA has organized the “Creation of Sustainable, High-quality Environmental Sanitation” plan, hoping that the grading result can correspond to the public’s feeling and gradually earn their trust and satisfaction. The main achievement of the project this year is to evaluate the nationwide cleanness. According to the plan, till the end of october 2014, 362 townships/cities/districts in Taiwan have reached an average score of Grade A. Comparing to previous years, overall cleanness has raised. Because of instant inspection, untidy spots have been reported, and the sanitation squadrons have cleaned up 95% of them. Until now, the main dirty items are litter (62%), flying advertisement (24%) and the pollution of gutter (3%). To raise public’s awareness of maintaining and cleaning the environment, the EPA, for the first time, held an activity called So Cool, and promoted an app, named Dirty Killer. The goal of these activities is to reach the sustainable and superior environment while the public takes part in cleaning neighborhood.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 環資國際有限公司