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Title 建構寧適家園計畫-中區環境事故專業技術小組服務計畫
Abstract 本計畫至12月31日已完成合約100%,完成工作包括繼續運作中區環境事故專業技術小組臺中組、雲林組兩組,每組16人(含空氣污染工作小組4人),參加環保署整訓-常訓及進階訓練、駐地訓練、辦理工作技術會議兩隊合計24場次及完成24場次專業複訓(含空污訓練各7場次)。平時工作完成了法規說明會11場次、臨廠輔導81場次、無預警測試47場次、檢視或現場訪視毒化物危害預防及應變計畫71場次;並配合辦理全民動員、反恐與環境災害相關演習23場次;協助分析轄區內嘉義縣市、南投縣及彰化縣4縣市之地區毒災防救計畫。配合環境事故專業諮詢監控中心進行大甲幼獅工業區、臺中科學工業園區-大雅區、中洋工業區毒化物運作廠資料蒐集整理共516場次資料建檔。協助環保署整備環境事故,降低可能災害之衝擊。變時工作兩組出勤趕赴現場協助事故應變共計30場次(含空氣污染事件,臺中組4場次、雲林組3場次)及緊急出勤測試6場次,計36場次。為了完善中部地區民間救災體系應變能量,與台塑石化股份有限公司及強本汽車交通事業股份有限公司簽署協議,建置聯防應援隊2隊,每隊18人,全時3人24小時待命出勤,支援技術小組之災況訊息傳輸、進行現場處理及應變設備或資材之調度等相關事宜,並完成8場應援隊教育訓練共計1,332人時。本團隊國內外技術交流於6月派1員參加法國海域油及海運化學品污染研習訓練、6月派2員參加新加坡毒化災事故應變指揮官課程;8月派3員參與年度危害物質緊急應變研討會(Hazardous Materials Emergency Response Workshop),藉由國外參訪交流,提升專業技術小組之應變能量與知識。10月辦理專家及機關案例檢討交流會議1場次,並於4月及10月份完成辦理聯防小組組訓及動員研討會各2場次。
EngTitle Project for constructing a safe and comfortable homeland:The plan for the setup of central environme
EngAbstract This project had completed 100% up to December 31th, 2014. The tasks included to continue the operation of the Environmental Incident Specialist Teams (EIST) in the central Taiwan at the Central Taiwan Science Park (Taichung Team) in Taichung and the Douliou Industrial Park (Yunlin Team) in Douliou with 16 members each. All members were trained in 24 occasions with various types, such as regular and advanced courses hosted by the Environmental Protection Administration (EPA), self-trained and exchanging experience, etc. There were also 24 refresher trainings (including 7 air pollution related events). Our regular tasks included 11 workshops on regulation information, 81 on-site counseling visits, 47 unannounced tests on response plan (EP), 71 EP reviewing, 23 EP exercises for counterterrorism incidents and environmental disasters, 4 counties’ EP review and 516 toxic chemical operations in various industrial parks for EPA’s databank. Those efforts were to prepare for possible environmental disasters and to lessen the possible impacts.For our emergency tasks, we have responded to 30 incidents (including air pollution related events of 4 events in Taichung and 3 events in Yunlin) along with 6 self-EP responses. In order to strengthen the local response capacity in the region, we cooperated also with two mutual aid teams of the Formosa Petrochemical and the Chiang-Pen Transportation Corporation of 18 members each with 3 on-duty all year round. Those cooperation was on incident communication, on-site help, equipment/supply aids with 8 training course totaled 1332 man-hours.We also engaged actively in the international technology exchange to enhance our capacity and knowledge by sending one member to French for ocean oil and chemical pollution training in June, two members to Singapore for commander course of toxic chemical response in June, three members to the US for the 25rd Annual Continuing Challenge HazMat Emergency Response Workshop. We also hosted case-study workshop in October, two workshops for regional mutual aid member teams, and two workshops for governmental agencies training in April and October, respectively.
ProjectYear 103
SponsorOrg 環管處
ExecutingOrg 國立雲林科技大學